Collegium MCMC at France Macau Chamber of Commerce


Since Moon Chun Memorial College’s inception in 2013, its musicians have been strengthening the strong town-and-gown relationship MCMC enjoys with the local Macau community.

This year, Collegium MCMC provided music for the Cocktail Reception for FMCC charity Gala “Paris Extravaganza”. Led by MCM College Resident Fellow Dr Peggy Lau and College Affiliate Dr Katy Ho Weatherly, the ensemble developed its musicianship and gained considerable confidence and valuable experience from being invited to perform live at a high-profile event, through playing a series of carefully chosen works by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Piazolla, Pachelbel, and Music from the Movies. With their highly professional performances, the ensemble won plaudits from all attendees.

By engaging students in a diversity of events, MCM College seeks to nurture collective talent of students in Arts, Culture, Internationality, English language proficiency and Sporting prowess.





澳門大學滿珍紀念書院自 2013 年成立以來,一直以音樂加強與澳門當地社區的聯繫。今年,滿珍紀念書院樂團為法國澳門商會慈善晚宴「巴黎盛會」的雞尾酒招待會提供音樂演出。在書院導師劉沛棋博士和非駐院教員何揚晴博士帶領下,樂團通過演奏巴赫、海頓、莫扎特、皮亞佐拉、帕赫貝爾和電影音樂等一系列精心挑選的作品,展示他們的音樂才能,提升自信心和獲得寶貴的經驗。 他們憑藉其高度專業的演出贏得了所有與會人員的掌聲。
