【Activity Review】 Orientation Camp of Student Leadership Training Programme Concluded Successfully




學生領袖培訓計劃於2020年起推行,旨在透過不同活動及訓練,培育及發展學生的領袖素質,提昇學生的領導能力和溝通技巧,加強他們的自信心及獨立思考能力,學員須於學期完結前籌辦不同主題的專項活動。如欲了解計劃的詳情,歡迎瀏覽此網頁: https://go.um.edu.mo/61nqpzb0 


The Student Leadership Training Programme (SLP) organized an orientation camp at the Tai Tong Holiday Camp in Yuen Long, Hong Kong, on September 16 and 17. The orientation camp included ice-breaking, team-building, and adventure challenges for the trainees to get to know each other, learn team communication skills, and challenge themselves to breakthroughs. A total of 26 students from 7 different faculties were brought together to complete the projects and programmes in the coming academic years under the leadership of the senior members.

In this orientation camp, SLP members got to know each other through ice-breaking activities. They were given different tasks to complete with the assistance of their instructors. These tasks helped them improve their communication, leadership, and teamwork skills. The next day, they took part in various challenging activities, which encouraged them to challenge themselves and taught them to trust their teammates and how to communicate as a team. Chan Choi Ieng (FBA, CYTC) said, “At the beginning of the game, we didn’t have much communication. But as the games went on, we all worked hard to reach the same goal, and by the end, our group slowly became a team with team spirit. We supported each other and cheered together.” Fong Pok Wai (FST, CKPC) learned that “as a leader, one needs to possess the three important factors of self-study, self-discipline, and self-confidence so that one can better lead the team.”

The Student Leadership Training Programme was established in 2020 with the aim of nurturing and developing students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training and enhancing their self-confidence, communication, and independent thinking skills. Members are required to organize theme-based activities by the end of the semester. For more details about the programme, please browse https://go.um.edu.mo/61nqpzb0.