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1 2024-07

External Activity: Macao Youth Development Service Design Competition (Deadline: Aug 20)


The following information is provided by Macau Youth Development Service Centre and posted by Student Affairs Office.



主題範疇: 項目圍繞青年發展相關的服務主題,包括但不限於學業輔導就業指導生涯規劃心理健康文化交流乃至創新創業等多個領域,你的創意無界限!

參賽資格: 參賽者可以個人或團隊名義參加, 不限團隊人數;不限國籍;不限年齡;每位參賽者提交不多於3個項目提案。

開放創新 – 不設門檻,歡迎廣大青年才俊參與,只要你有想法,這裡就有舞臺!
實戰機會 – 提案不僅停留在紙面,優秀提案者將有機會成為項目經理主持實施!讓想法成為現實!
豐厚獎勵 -金點子、銀點子、銅點子、優秀獎,總獎金池高達21萬澳門元,等你來贏!





提案徵集:6月24日 – 8月20日
初步篩選:8月21日 – 8月23日
評選階段:8月24日 – 8月25日



章程: (章程)青服群英薈澳青服項目創意大賽624FN
報名表: (報名表)青服群英薈:澳門青年發展服務項目創意大賽

External Activity: Macao Youth Development Service Design Competition (Deadline: Aug 20)2024-07-01T17:48:10+08:00
16 2024-04

【Activity Review】 Student Leadership Training Programme : Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” has successfully completed






Recently, information and phone fraud have become widespread, deceiving some college students unintentionally. The “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” was organised by members of the Student Leadership Training Programme (SLP) in order to raise awareness about anti-fraud information and educate the public about preventing fraud. In an effort to raise college students’ awareness of anti-fraud through games, this event takes the form of a game booth and promotes anti-fraud information throughout the university. At the same time, students can improve their abilities to spot fraud in the future, increase their awareness of fraud prevention, and become aware of everyday hazards.

The carnival was held at the Plaza of the Student Activity Centre on April 10, 2024. At the carnival, there were three game booths. To find the fraudster, who was portrayed by a team member at the venue, participants had to finish three games to receive clues. In order to improve participants’ comprehension of current fraudulent techniques and information, the initial game required participants to view a video about fraud prevention, count out a predetermined number of dollar notes at the same time, and then answer questions about the movie. To improve their capacity to determine the truthfulness of information, participants had to correctly identify the logo image or website URL in the second game. In the third game, participants had to turn over cards to reveal the key while simultaneously developing their fraud detection skills by responding to the questions on the cards.

The majority of participants said that playing booth games allowed them to learn a lot about fraud prevention outside of the classroom, and that they were able to do so in an engaging and enjoyable manner. Through this activity, members of the Student Leadership Training Programme aim to teach students more about fraud prevention, identify features of fraud cases, and know when to ask for help in a way that will lessen the likelihood that they will encounter fraud in the future.

The Student Leadership Training Programme was established in 2020 with the aim of nurturing and developing students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training and enhancing their self-confidence, communication, and independent thinking skills. Programme members are required to organise theme-based activities by the end of the semester. For details about the programme, please browse https://go.um.edu.mo/b2f9wuct

【Activity Review】 Student Leadership Training Programme : Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” has successfully completed2024-05-31T00:02:10+08:00
12 2024-04

SAO organized UM student leaders to visit Sichuan for exchange






With the support of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Student Affairs Office organized a study and exchange trip to Chengdu, Sichuan Province, for 33 students and teachers from March 28 to April 1. The purpose of the trip was to expand the participants’ horizons and encourage interactions between the youth of Sichuan and Macao. The delegation visited several locations, including Chengdu FISU World University Games Museum, Sichuan University, Dujiangyan Chinese Giant Panda Garden, Sansu Ancestral Temple, Sanxingdui Museum, Dujiangyan Scenic Spot, Battle Flag Village, Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, and the Science Park Planning Museum, to provide the students with a better understanding of the history, culture, economic development, and technological innovation of Sichuan Province. 

The student leaders attended a meeting with the Sichuan University Student Union on their first visit to the university as part of the exchange programme. Both parties engaged in positive discussions about event planning, running the student union, and the educational environment. The students eagerly shared and built upon each other’s experiences in planning student activities throughout the exchange, preparing to use what they had learned in the future. The delegation also went to the Chengdu FISU World University Games Museum, Sichuan University Museum, Sanxingdui Museum, Dujiangyan Chinese Giant Panda Park, Dujiangyan Scenic Area, Sansu Ancestral Hall, Chinese Paocai Museum, and Battle Flag Village, among other places. Through these visits, students were able to learn about Sichuan Province’s history, culture, and humanities while also experiencing the province’s attempts to preserve historical resources, organize large-scale international events, and preserve Chinese culture.

Following their visit to the Dujiangyan Scenic Area, the delegation gained knowledge of the significant scientific advancements made possible by the development of this water conservation project. They were able to learn more about Sichuan Province’s scientific and technological advancement from over 2,000 years ago to the present by visiting the Science City Planning Pavilion, Tongwei Solar (Meishan) Co., Ltd., and Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute.

The Director General of the University of Macau Student Union, Mr. Kam Chon U, stated that the trip was very beneficial for them and increased their awareness of the value of heritage. They came to understand that heritage encompasses future planning as well as the past and present. The legacy has endured and will keep growing today because of the ability to carry on the wisdom of the ancients, from student activities to national development. In his capacity as a student representative, Mr. Kam promised to come back to Macau with an understanding of what he had witnessed and learned, to take his responsibilities seriously, and to work and study diligently to continue the work of heritage.

SAO organized UM student leaders to visit Sichuan for exchange2024-05-31T00:02:11+08:00
5 2024-04

[Reminder] Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” (10 April, 13:00 – 17:00) [10 CS Points]


學生領袖培訓計劃: 「騙子 退!退!退! 防騙嘉年華」

時間:13:00 – 17:00



每位參與者將獲得10個「公民責任心」的CS points,成為防騙的守護者。

這場防騙嘉年華將在2024年4月10日,E31的學生活動中心廣場 舉行,時間從下午13:00到17:00。不容錯過!



Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival”
Date: April 10, 2024
Venue: E31 Plaza
Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Are you ready to immerse yourself in an exciting anti-scam carnival?

Join us in this thrilling event as we collectively say, “Scammer Out! Out! Out!” In the realm of scammers, we’ll enhance our scam awareness through a variety of engaging games and carefully curated gifts.

Challenge yourself with exciting games and test your scam detection skills.
Participate in the event for a chance to win generous gifts and surprise prizes.
Each participant will receive 10 CS points (Responsible Citizenship) for becoming guardians against scams.

The Anti-Scam Carnival will take place on April 10, 2024, at E31 Plaza.
The event will run from 13:00 to 17:00. Don’t miss out!
Come with a positive attitude and bring your friends to join us. Let’s work together to safeguard our community and say, “Scammer Out! Out! Out!” We can’t wait to share this exciting moment with you!

Anti-Scam Carnival, safeguarding our security!


* Students who attended the WHOLE activity will be awarded 10 UM Competencies (CS) on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.
* For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her CS Point.

* 全程參加將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的10個CS分數。
* 若同學不尊重活動或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得CS分的資格。

[Reminder] Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” (10 April, 13:00 – 17:00) [10 CS Points]2024-04-11T00:00:28+08:00
22 2024-03

UMSU Literature Club: The Fragrance of Books – Second Hand Book Fair (25 March – 27 March, 8 April – 9 April, Corridor E4-E6)


本通告由 澳門大學學生會文學創作社 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Literature Club, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.





Dear students,

Literature Club of the University of Macau Students’ Union organizes an activity “The Fragrance of Books – Second Hand Book Fair” to encourage students to read and to be socially responsible. The event aims to give students a platform to meet new people by collecting and exchanging used books of all kinds, and all proceeds from the sale will be donated to Caritas Macau. Everyone who enjoys books is welcome to take part in.

The event is divided into two sections. The first section will be held from 25 to 27 March. During these three days, you are welcome to share the books you have contributed and use sticky notes to add your contact information or reading recommendations on the books to expand the reach of your reading community. In the second section from 8 to 9 April, all previously collected books will be on display and for sale. Unsold books and all sales income will be given to Caritas Macau.

Each participant will be given different souvenirs according to the number of books donated. We hope every student takes part fully in the book exchange and donation activities. We are looking forward to seeing you!

歡迎各位各位關注文學創作社官方公眾號/ Welcome to follow the official public account of Literature Club:

UMSU Literature Club: The Fragrance of Books – Second Hand Book Fair (25 March – 27 March, 8 April – 9 April, Corridor E4-E6)2024-04-10T00:00:30+08:00
21 2024-03

Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” (10 April, 13:00 – 17:00) [10 CS Points]


學生領袖培訓計劃: 「騙子 退!退!退! 防騙嘉年華」

時間:13:00 – 17:00



每位參與者將獲得10個「公民責任心」的CS points,成為防騙的守護者。

這場防騙嘉年華將在2024年4月10日,E31的學生活動中心廣場 舉行,時間從下午13:00到17:00。不容錯過!



Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival”
Date: April 10, 2024
Venue: E31 Plaza
Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Are you ready to immerse yourself in an exciting anti-scam carnival?

Join us in this thrilling event as we collectively say, “Scammer Out! Out! Out!” In the realm of scammers, we’ll enhance our scam awareness through a variety of engaging games and carefully curated gifts.

Challenge yourself with exciting games and test your scam detection skills.
Participate in the event for a chance to win generous gifts and surprise prizes.
Each participant will receive 10 CS points (Responsible Citizenship) for becoming guardians against scams.

The Anti-Scam Carnival will take place on April 10, 2024, at E31 Plaza.
The event will run from 13:00 to 17:00. Don’t miss out!
Come with a positive attitude and bring your friends to join us. Let’s work together to safeguard our community and say, “Scammer Out! Out! Out!” We can’t wait to share this exciting moment with you!

Anti-Scam Carnival, safeguarding our security!


* Students who attended the WHOLE activity will be awarded 10 UM Competencies (CS) on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.
* For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her CS Point.

* 全程參加將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的10個CS分數。
* 若同學不尊重活動或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得CS分的資格。

Student Leadership Training Programme: “Scammer Out! Out! Out! Anti-Scam Carnival” (10 April, 13:00 – 17:00) [10 CS Points]2024-04-11T00:00:29+08:00
15 2024-03

[Reminder] Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA: Invitation of Graduation Photo taking for Academics


This bulletin is produced by the Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA, and posted by the Student Development Section, SAO.



The Graduation Committees of UMSU and UMPA would like to invite the academics to participate in the graduation photo-taking on March 22nd (Friday) at N2 University Hall.


Details of the photo-taking for Academics 
Date: March 22, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 10:00-17:00

Venue: N2 University Hall
Dress Code: formal or academic dress-up

* The shooting will be done individually. The ensemble photograph will be digitally adjusted from the individual shots.
* Each session will be held for around 10–15 minutes.
* Please fill out the registration form in advance for better arrangements.


Please fill out the registration form before March 18. 
Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5apNEsUdsdHeIDk


For any inquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Carmen Sin at 8822 9907 or by email at carmensin@um.edu.mo.

[Reminder] Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA: Invitation of Graduation Photo taking for Academics2024-03-23T00:00:13+08:00
15 2024-03

Student Leadership Training Programme participated in the “Extended Education Program for Deepening the Feelings for Home and the Country”





To promote the education of patriotism and love for Macao and to cultivate young people’s sense of identity and belonging to society and the country, as well as their understanding and respect for their own country and culture, the Student Development Section recently organized members of the Student Leadership Training Programme (SLP) to participate in the DSEDJ’s “Extended Education Program for Deepening the Feelings for Home and the Country”.

SLP members first visited the ‘Love the Country, Love Macao Educational Base for the Youth’, where they got an in-depth understanding of New China and Macau under the inheritance of Chinese culture through exhibitions and interactive multi-media presentations. Then, they went to the Handover Gifts Museum of Macao, where they viewed the gifts presented to Macao by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, all provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and the Hong Kong SAR. The students gained a deeper comprehension of China’s geography, history, and culture through the guided tour.

The Extended Education Program allows students to learn about the motherland engagingly by integrating Macau’s historical learning sites and teaching resources. It also deepens their understanding of Chinese and Macau’s cultural history, cultivates a sense of love for their country, and enhances their sense of identity and belonging to the motherland, promoting the spirit of patriotism and love for Macau.

學生領袖培訓計劃於2020年起推行,旨在透過不同活動及訓練,培育及發展學生的領袖素質,提昇學生的領導能力和溝通技巧,加強他們的自信心及獨立思考能力,學員須於學期完結前籌辦不同主題的專項活動。有關計劃的招募及詳情,請瀏覽 https://go.um.edu.mo/wtb0nw0w

Student Leadership Training Programme was established in 2020 to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, to enhance their self-confidence, communication, and independent thinking skills. Programme members are required to organize theme-based activities by the end of semester. For details about the programme, please browse https://go.um.edu.mo/wtb0nw0w.

Student Leadership Training Programme participated in the “Extended Education Program for Deepening the Feelings for Home and the Country”2024-04-30T00:01:06+08:00
13 2024-03

UMSU Photography Society: The 1st Macao University Photography Contest “Time & Horizon”: Ignite the passion for photography and set off an artistic boom


本通告由 澳門大學學生會攝影學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Photography Society, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.





大賽報名:參賽作品可在大賽官方平台  視覺中國500PX(澳門高校攝影聯盟) 進行投稿





Contest Introduction:

Through the flow of time, the camera captures the beauty of the moment. University of Macau Students’ Union Photography Society, together with student organizations of three Macau Universities and companies in related fields in Macau and Zhuhai, jointly organized the much-anticipated “Macau University Photograph Competition 2024”, with the theme of “Time and Horizon”.
As a camera-based art feast, the competition aims to encourage students to unleash their creativity, promote art photography, and provide a platform for talented students to showcase, and learn from photography enthusiasts from other universities and inspire each other.
This year’s competition will be divided into three themes, namely “City Wondering”, ” Alluring Scenery” and “Shuttling World”. Entries will be judged by an experienced panel of judges. The award-winning works will be allowed to be exhibited offline so that more people can enjoy the wonderful works of Macau University students.
Now, we sincerely invite the students from University of Macau to participate actively and record your unique time and vision with their cameras!

Information of Contest :
Contest Submission Platform: Visual China視覺中國500PX (澳門高校攝影聯盟)
Organizers: 澳門大學學生會攝影學會(發起)、澳門城市大學學生會攝影匯攝影社、澳門科技大學學生會傳媒學會、光影啟航工作室、澳門藝術聯盟
Co-organizers: 澳門大學學生會、澳門理工大學學生會內地學生聯會、影浪(珠海)文化傅播有限公司、鯤影藝術文化(珠海橫琴)有限公司
Judges List: 梁藍波先生、譚震洋先生、今井忍女士、顧榮軍女士、陳顯耀先生、李汝榮先生、郭敬文先生、官宏滔先生、譚敬先生、李浩麟先生(In no particular order)

Contest Registration: Entries can be submitted through the official platform of the competition  Visual China 500PX (Macau University Photography Alliance)

Deadline: 23:59, April 5, 2024 (GMT+8)

*Winners of the competition will receive certificates, prizes, and qualifications.

Official WeChat Platform: Macau University Photography Contest
Email of Contest Organizing Committee: mupc2024committee@gmail.com
Email of Competition within University of Macau: umsu.photoso@um.edu.mo

UMSU Photography Society: The 1st Macao University Photography Contest “Time & Horizon”: Ignite the passion for photography and set off an artistic boom2024-04-06T00:00:25+08:00
12 2024-03

Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” 2024 (March 27, 17:45, E31 SAC Theatre)



主講嘉賓:  第十四屆全國人大代表劉藝良先生
日期:  3月27日 (星期三)
時間:  17:45-19:30
地點:  學生活動中心劇場 (E31-G001)
語言: 廣東話 (提供普通話即時傳譯)

如有疑問,可致電學生發展處(電話:8822 9918/ 8822 4640) 或電郵至sao.leadership@um.edu.mo

In order to encourage students to be concerned about current affairs and to understand national policy, SAO is inviting Macao’s representatives in the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for a sharing on the spirit of the Two Sessions.

Speaker:  Dr. LAO Ngai Leong, Deputy of the 14th National People’s Congress
Prof. IAU Teng Pio, Member of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC
Dr. MA Chi Ngai Frederico, Member of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC
Dr. KOU Kam Fai, Member of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC
Date:  March 27 (Wednesday)
Time: 17:45-19:30
Venue:  SAC Theatre (E31-G001)
Language: Cantonese (Simultaneous Interpretation into Mandarin)

For inquiries, please feel free to contact the Student Development Section at 8822 9918/ 8822 4640 or email sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.


1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point 
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Cards. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point 

*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加講座及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的15個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 15 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” 2024 (March 27, 17:45, E31 SAC Theatre)2024-03-28T00:01:17+08:00
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