External Activity: Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau: Discount for Macao International Music Festival Tickets

校外活動: 澳門文化局: 澳門國際音樂節門票優惠

本通告資訊由 澳門文化局 提供,學生事務部代傳。
Below information is provided by Cultural Affairs Bureau and posted by Student Affairs Office.

文化局主辦的“第三十五屆澳門國際音樂節” 將於9月30日至10月30日期間舉行,以“悅逢盛典 ,樂聚此刻”為主題,迎來星光璀璨的時刻,國際音樂大師和新銳菁英輪番上陣,致力為觀眾樂迷打造一場難忘的盛會!


The 35th Macao International Music Festival organied by the Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau will be held on 30 Sep – 30 Oct. 

Tickets are available at “Macau Ticket.com”. To broaden staff and students’ horizon on cultural affairs, the Cultural Affairs Bureau offers promotional code “FIMM35PROMO” to students and staff. By entering the code, you can enjoy 30% discount for all programmes (not applicable to programmes of the “Joe Hisaishi 360” series).