MCM College: “Law Study Guide” Talk


On 14th September 2023, MCM College, University of Macau was delighted to invite Dr. Lee Kin Kei, a Non-Resident Fellow (Senior Instructor of Faculty of Law) to deliver a talk on law study.  Dr. Lee shared some learning strategies for studying law, and gave a comprehensive introduction to the content and characteristics of the five-year law programme, core competency requirements and career prospects. Dr. Lee pointed out that the best way to learn is by teaching others.  He introduced Feynman Technique to students and encouraged them to form a study group and share what they have learnt in class.   Dr. Lee said that studying law is a tough learning process, but as long as one bears in mind the original intention of choosing law study and keeps a positive mindset, one will have the motivation to keep going.  In the end, Summer Ho, a year-three law student was invited to share her learning experiences and tips with the participants.  The FLL freshmen who attended the talk found it very helpful and asked many questions during the Q&A session.




2023年9月14日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院很榮幸邀請到法學院高級講師兼滿珍紀念非駐院導師李建基博士為大家提供關於法律學習攻略的講座。 李博士分享了就讀法律的一些學習策略,並全面介紹了五年制法律課程的內容和特色、核心能力要求和職業前景。 李博士指出,最好的學習方式是教導他人。 他向學生介紹了費曼學習法,並鼓勵他們成立學習小組,分享大家在課堂上學到的知識。 李博士表示,學習法律是一個艱難的學習過程,但只要牢記選讀法律的初衷,保持積極的心態,就會有繼續前進的動力。 最後,法學院三年級學生何曉嵐受邀與參加者分享她的學習經驗和心得。 參加這次活動的法學院新生覺得這次講座非常有幫助,並在問答環節提出了許多問題。