MCMC Matinées Musicales


MCMC is delighted to have invited Dr. Chi Kit LAM, Blüthner pianist, piano faculty at Hainan University and an official lecturer of USMCE in China, for an afternoon concert “Matinées Musicales”. Joining Dr Lam will be Macau’s musicians Pui Kei Peggy Lau, Pui I Kubi Kou and Ieong Cheng Katy Ho Weatherly. Together, they will take you on a mesmerizing journey through the world of classical music. The program will also feature Bloch’s Concertino for Flute, Viola, and Piano. This rare combination of instruments highlights the harmonious interplay among them. Please reserve your seat before 12 October. Light refreshment provided after concert.

For further details, please feel free to contact by

滿珍紀念書院邀請到德國Blüthner博蘭斯勒新銳鋼琴家、海南大學音樂與舞蹈學院鋼琴系教授、教育部學位中心評審專家和海口市音樂交流協會理事, 林志傑博士來書院作“樂滿滿珍午後音樂會”演出。除了獨奏曲目外,林博士也會與他的澳門音樂家朋友劉沛棋、高佩儀和何揚晴以不同形式合作,為聽眾帶來不同的音樂盛宴。其中恩斯特·布洛赫的《長笛、中提琴和鋼琴小協奏曲》更是澳門十分罕有的演出,報名至10月12 日,請掃碼登記留座。音樂會結束後將提供少量茶點。