Macao Cultural Excursion Series: The Charm of Mandarin’s House


On 23rd September, 2023, the resident assistant of Mandarin House, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organised a cultural excursion to retrace the origins of the former residence of patriot Zheng Guanying.  The house covers 4000 square metres, making it one of the biggest family houses in Macau.  Housing 60 rooms in total, the Mandarin’s House exhibits typical characteristics of traditional Guangdong’s architecture, yet, it also encompasses a charming blend of Western and Asian architectural influence.

The tour guide explained that Mr. Zheng Wenrui, Guanying’s father initiated the construction of the Mandarin’s House in 1869. At the time it was built, it overlooked the Inner Harbour, with views of the various ships coming in and out of Macau.  It was at this courtyard-style mansion that Zheng Guanying was inspired to write his masterpiece Words of Warning in Times of Prosperity, its readers included emperors, Dr. Sun Yatsen and Chairman Mao.

Today, as part of the Historic Center of Macau, the Mandarin’s house is listed as a World Cultural Heritage.




2023年9月23日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Mandarin House書院助理舉辦文化之旅,追溯愛國者鄭觀應故居的由來。鄭家大屋佔地4000平方米,是澳門最大的家族式建築群之一。 鄭家大屋共有 60 間房間,展現了傳統嶺南風格建築的典型特徵,同時也融合了中西建築的迷人魅力。

導遊員講解說,鄭觀應的父親鄭文瑞先生於1869年開始興建鄭家大屋。當時,鄭家大屋俯瞰內港,可眺望進出澳門的各艘船隻。 正是在這座四合院式的大宅裡,鄭觀應受到啟發,寫下了巨著《盛世危言》,其讀者包括歷代皇帝、孫中山先生和毛主席。
