MCM College: Commencement High Table: Fostering of competences pertinent to innovation and entrepreneurship for students at UM

2023/24滿珍紀念書院首場高桌晚宴 ─ 培養澳大學生的創新創業能力

It was mid-Autumn and the final Thursday evening of September, 2023, MCM Interim College Master, Professor Kwok-cheung Cheung warmly received Dr. Claudia Xu, Vice Rector (Administration), University of Macau, distinguished guests, fellows and freshmen to this year’s Commencement High Table, 2023: a black-tie event where members of College and guests donned academic robes and undergrads wore subfusc or evening attire.

The occasion aimed to foster competences pertinent to innovation and entrepreneurship for students at UM. College Hall had a most charming setting and atmosphere – one that was conducive to exchanges of views and insights, interspersed with the speeches delivered by Dr. Claudia Xu Jian, Vice Rector of Administration, on “Fostering of competences pertinent to innovation and entrepreneurship for students at UM”; Dr. Elvo Sou, Head of Student Counselling Section, on “Career Development in the AI Age.” – both speakers specifically highlighting two attributes of knowledge integration, encompassing the integration of academic knowledge along with creativity and innovation. MCM College was honored with the presence of special guest, Mr. Mike Korostelev, an award-winning underwater and wildlife photographer and diver, who shared his vast experience about is work entitled: “The Mystery of the Underwater World of Mike Korostelev.”

Musical performances included A Whole New World arranged by Paul Baker & Dr. Peggy Lau, and performed by James Ho (Harp) and accompanied by Dr. Peggy Lau on Piano. This was followed by François Joseph Naderman’s Harp Sonata in D minor, Op. 92 No. 6.  The third performance was entitled 但願人長久 and featured freshman Sofia Yin (Guzheng), Joyce Ng (Flute) and accompanied by Dr. Peggy Lau on Piano.

After souvenirs were presented to Ms. Jacinta Ho and Mr. Mike Korostelev, High Table came to a close. Interim College Master and guests exited the hall, and the after party and photo sessions began.


此次活動旨在培養澳大學生的創新創業能力。 書院膳堂佈置得很有氣氛,有利於互相交流。晚宴期間穿插了副校長(行政事務)徐健博士關於「培養澳大學生的創新創業能力」的演講;以及學生輔導處處長蘇桂龍博士關於「人工智能時代的生涯發展」的演講。兩位演講者都特別強調知識整合的兩個品格屬性,包括學術知識與創意創新的整合。滿珍紀念書院很榮幸邀請到特別嘉賓Mr. Mike Korostelev,他是一位屢獲殊榮的水底和野生動物攝影師兼潛水員,他分享了自己豐富的工作經驗:「Mike Korostelev的水底世界之謎」。

音樂表演包括寄願各位新生一個新的開始的《全新世界》,該曲由保羅·貝克和劉沛棋博士編曲,何啟邦演奏豎琴,並由劉博士伴奏。接下來演奏的是納德曼的D小調豎琴奏鳴曲,作品92號第6號。第三個表演節目是中秋特別呈獻的《但願人長久》,由Sofia Yin(古箏)和吳雅萱(長笛)演繹,劉博士改編和伴奏。

徐健博士向嘉賓Mike Korostelev先生和何嫣芳女士贈送紀念品後,高桌晚宴圓滿結束。 院長和嘉賓離開會場後,樂隊派對和合照環節隨即開始。