2023 Staff Privilege: Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd.
2023 員工優惠:香港亞洲展覽 (集團) 有限公司

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the following staff privilege offered by the Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. Presentation of UM Staff Card and personal ID document (non-Hong Kong resident) is required in order to enjoy the privilege and please see the below contents for details.
我們榮幸地附上由香港亞洲展覽 (集團) 有限公司提供給澳大教職員的優惠。享受此優惠時須出示澳大員工證及個人身份證明文件 (非香港居民)。詳情請參閱以下內容。
Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. is a leading public exhibition organizer in Hong Kong that actively holds a variety of large-scale exhibitions and events with different themes. In this December, the 21st HK Mega Showcase, the 23rd Hong Kong Homex, the 21st Hong Kong Food Festival, and the e-Expo & Auto HK 2023 will be held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, with details as follows:
Promotion Period:
From 23 December to 27 December 2023
Promotion Details:
- Non-Hong Kong residents (visitors) who hold UM Staff Card / Student Card / Alumni Card and Macau ID Card / Passport / Hong Kong-Macau Exit-Entry Permit can proceed to the ticket office to obtain a free entry ticket (original price HKD20.00), which can be used to access the above-mentioned four events (see poster below for event details and QR code for online prior registration);
- Accompanying family members who hold ID document of non-Hong Kong resident (maximum 3 persons) can also enjoy the privilege.
For enquiries: (852) 2591 9823
香港亞洲展覽 (集團) 有限公司為香港領先的公眾展覽會主辦機構,積極舉辦不同主題的大型展覽及活動。本年12月,將於香港會議展覽中心舉辦第21屆香港冬季購物節、第23屆香港家居潮流博覽、第21屆香港冬日美食節,以及數碼生活及車品博覽2023。詳情如下:
- 非香港居民旅客持 澳大員工證 / 學生證 / 校友卡 以及 澳門身份證 / 護照 / 港澳通行證 可前往售票處登記免費換領入場門票 (原價為港幣20元),該入場門票可通行以上四項活動 (活動詳情及網上提前登記之二維碼可詳見以下海報);
- 隨行家屬若持非香港居民之身份證明文件 (最多三人)亦可享受以上優惠。
查詢請致電:(852) 2591 9823
For more updated information of staff privilege, please visit the following website:
Human Resources Section