MCM College: “All About the Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

滿珍紀念書院: 「桂香裊裊,月滿人間」慶中秋晚會

To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held an event in the courtyard on 27th September, 2023.  This event was carefully planned by House Association and house leaders, featuring on traditional booths such as lantern riddle guessing, DIY lantern, and Chinese tea art. It attracted nearly one hundred participants, including the college master, resident fellows, non-resident fellows and affiliates. While participating in the booths with friends, students had the opportunity to experience Chinese traditional culture and immerse themselves in a festive atmosphere. During the event, talented students were invited to perform hip-hop and rap shows at the Amphitheatre, adding a lively atmosphere on site.  Students and teachers from all over the world gathered and spent a wonderful and unforgettable evening.

為慶祝中秋節,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院於2023年9月27日在庭院裡舉辦了一場活動。此活動由院生會和各樓層學生領袖精心策劃,以傳統攤位為主,如猜燈謎、DIY燈籠和中國茶藝,吸引了近一百位參與者,包括書院院長、駐院書院導師及非駐院導師和教員。 學生在與朋友一起參與攤位的同時,有機會體驗中國傳統文化,沉浸在節慶氣氛中。 活動期間,多才多藝的學生受邀在露天劇場表演街舞和說唱表演,增添現場的熱鬧氣氛。 來自世界各地的師生歡聚一堂,共同度過了一個美好而難忘的夜晚。