MCM College St Paul’s House gathering

滿珍紀念書院St Paul’s House聚會

On September 13, 2023, St Paul’s House of University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial filled the campus with laughter. They organized a student gathering party that brings House members together, creating unforgettable memories and joy. This was a welcome event held to coincide with the beginning of the new semester, aiming to allow students to communicate with each other, relax, and build deep friendships while promoting House culture.

The student gathering was held at 18:00 at the Moon Chun Memorial College. The event starts in the early evening and continues for couple of hours, giving everyone involved a night full of fun and surprises. A wide variety of games are arranged to ensure that everyone can find an activity that interests them. These include musical performances, game competitions and raffles. In addition, student leaders from St Paul’s House prepared delicious food and drinks to satisfy everyone’s taste.

This student gathering is not only an entertainment activity, but more importantly, it provides an opportunity for students to communicate and make connections. By participating in a variety of games, performances and interactive sessions, students will have the opportunity to meet new people, expand their network, and spend an unforgettable evening with other students.

House members enjoying the night together

Throughout the night, student leaders encourage everyone to participate and share their own stories and experiences. This was a stage to show your individual talent and creativity, whether it was in music, dance or other art forms. Students had the opportunity to display their talents and receive applause and approval from the audience. During the party, students joined hands to spend a night filled with laughter, gaiety, and warmth.

Text: Ruolan MA

2023年9月13日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院St Paul’s House舉辦了一場學生聚會,為校園帶來無數歡笑聲。這次聚會旨在讓宿舍成員們齊聚一堂,締造難忘的回憶和愉快的時刻。作為新學期開始的歡迎活動,它不僅讓學生們彼此交流、放鬆身心,還促進了House文化傳播。

聚會於下午6點在澳門大學滿珍紀念書院禮堂舉行。活動從傍晚開始,持續數小時,給每位參與者帶來一個充滿歡樂和驚喜的晚上。聚會活動安排了豐富多樣的遊戲,確保每個人都能找到自己感興趣的活動。其中包括音樂表演,遊戲競賽和抽獎活動等。此外,St Paul’s House的學生領袖還準備了美味的食物和飲料,以滿足大家的口味。




文: 馬若嵐