Reminder: 2023 “Recycling Mooncake Boxes is Very Easy” Activity
![]() 親愛的同事及同學: 為響應環保局所舉辦之月餅盒回收,澳大校園內將設置回收點,各位同學及教職員可到以下指定地點遞交月餅盒,回收所得的舊月餅盒將作回收再造;活動詳情如下:
* 注意事項: 請事先清理月餅盒
多謝支持環保! 並祝中秋節快樂!
安健及環境事務辦公室 謹啟
(Ref: HSEO-EP008a/2023) |
![]() Dear colleagues and students, To encourage the public to reduce and recycle waste, Environmental Protection Bureau of Government of Macao S.A.R. is going to organize the “Recycling Mooncake Boxes is Very Easy” activity. 3 locations will be arranged in UM campus to collect empty mooncake boxes. You are welcome to participate in this meaningful activity. Details are as below:
* Note: Please empty the mooncake boxes in advance
Thank you for supporting Environmental Protection!! Wishing you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Office of Health, Safety & Environmental Affairs (Ref: HSEO-EP008/2023) |