MCM College Starry Night Run


In order to promote the physical and mental health of students, MCM College St. Paul’s House hosted a spectacular Starry Night Run event that captivated a large number of participants.

The event took place on the evenings of October 11th and 12th, and participants gathered on campus, dressed in bright sports gear, ready for the night’s challenge. They embarked on the journey, exploring every corner of the campus. Despite the darkness, they persevered, encouraging and supporting each other throughout the event, infusing the night with warmth and youthful energy.

The Night Run was more than just a race; it provided an opportunity to showcase teamwork and friendship. Participants were delighted to make new friends and recognized the significance of working together after the event.

Text: Ruolan MA

為了促進學生的身心健康,滿珍紀念學院St Paul’s House舉辦了兩場星空夜跑活動,吸引了大批參與者。

活動於10月11日和12日的晚上舉行,參與者穿著鮮豔的運動裝備,在校園內集合,準備迎接這個夜跑挑戰。 活動開始後,參與者踏上旅程,在校園內奔跑,穿越校園的各個角落。 儘管天色昏暗,他們並沒有被黑暗所阻擋,反而在相互的歡呼聲中奮力前行,展現出頑強的毅力和團隊合作精神,使活動現場氣氛熱烈,充滿著青春活力。

夜跑活動不僅是一場比賽,更是一次展現團隊合作和友誼的機會。 參與者紛紛表示,他們透過這次活動結識了新朋友,同時也感受到了團隊合作的重要性。

文: 馬若嵐