【UM Sports Fest】Updates (5): Invitation to “2023 UM Sports Fest – Closing Ceremony” (29 Oct, 15:00, Sports Pavilion, N8)
【澳大體育節】最新消息(5): 誠邀出席「2023 澳大體育節 - 閉幕式」 (10月29日, 15:00, N8 - 主場館)

2023 UM Sports Fest – Closing Ceremony
Dear Students, Staff and Alumni,
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) and UMSU Sports Association (UMSU SPA) are jointly organized the “2023 UM Sports Fest” from 7-29 Oct 2023. UM Staff Sports Club (UMSSC) and 21 UMSU Sports Sub-clubs are the co-organizers.
This year, besides the announced 25 activities (10 sports experience and 15 competition events), including American Football, Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Diabolo, Dragon Boat, Fencing, Football, Handball, Judo, Karate, Kinball, Korfball, Orienteering, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Squash, Table Tennis, Tchoukball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Volleyball), we cordially invite you to attend the Closing Ceremony.
The Closing Ceremony will be held at 15:00 on 29 Oct at Sports Pavilion, N8 (for the detailed rundown, please refer to the captioned poster)
- Registration link : https://go.um.edu.mo/cw4dcyrz
- Registration deadline : 26 Oct (first come, first served)
*** Registration confirmation email will be sent to your UM email account on or before 27 Oct 2023. ***
For PE Hours: please arrive at Sports Pavilion, G/F, UM Sports Complex (N8) on 29 Oct and bring your UM student ID card with you for check in (before the activity during 14:15-14:30) and check out (after the activity during 15:35-15:45).
Important notes:
- Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 1.5 PE hours (late arrival, early leave or leave the venue during the competition for over 10 minutes will NOT be given PE hours).
- Students are required to do check in/out with UM student ID card, the name of the attended student MUST be the same as the registered name.
- Once registration is confirmed, any absent might affect the application priority of his/her registration for future sports activities.
- Those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, OSA reserves the right to cancel his/her PE hours.
We look forward to seeing you at our Closing Ceremony of 2023 UM Sports Fest.
UMSU Sports Association
Tel: 8822 4423
Email: umsu.sportsoc@um.edu.mo
Website: https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/umsusportssubclub/
Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4948 / 8822 4423
Email: osa.development@um.edu.mo
Website: https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/