UM Mental Health Awareness Month: “The Invisible Self” Short Film Premiere


In response to UM Mental Health Awareness Month, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau, held a short film premiere, entitled “The Invisible Self” at the Student Activity Centre Theatre on 12 October, 2023, attracting a total of 120 participants. This was a signature event of the college’s newly established Pastoral Care Support Unit, with the purpose of promoting mental health awareness and the existing counselling services for university students.  “The Invisible Self” is a film about self-acceptance, embracing both the bright and dark sides of self and connection with our inner self.  This film was produced by MCM College, most of the main roles in the film and the staff behind the scenes are played by college members, and the script is co-written and directed by director Steven U, and college students.

In the opening speech, Prof. Kwok-cheung Cheung, Interim Master of MCM College mentioned that MCM College has been committed to fostering students’ healthy lifestyle competency, and a series of mental health awareness activities were held every October starting from 2020.  This year’s mental health awareness short film took several months to shoot and was a sincere production.  During the post-screen discussion session, the participating director, editors, actors, and guests: Mr. Paul Pang, UM Dean of Student and Dr. Elvo Sou, Head of Student Counselling Section, interacted with audience and shared some issues about mental health, such as the mentality of pursuit of self-perfection. It was thought-provoking for the audience.  In the end, Mr. Jeffrey Kan, social worker of Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office, introduced the Chat with U counselling hotline and online support programme to students. This was indeed a distinctive, wonderful and unforgettable premiere which can be remembered for a lifetime. 




為響應澳大心理健康推廣月,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院於2023年10月12日在學生活動中心劇場舉辦《白夜》首映會,吸引了120人參加。這是書院新成立的牧關舍之標誌性活動,旨在推廣心理健康以及大專生輔導服務。《白夜》是一部關於自我接納、擁抱自我光明面與陰暗面、與內在自我連結的電影。 本片由滿珍紀念書院出品,影片中大部分主要角色及幕後工作人員均由書院成員擔任,劇本由余志雲導演與院生共同編劇和執導。

滿珍紀念書院代院長張國祥教授在致詞中提及,滿珍書院一直致力於培養學生健康生活模式的勝任能力。從2020年開始,書院每年十月都會舉辦一系列的心理健康推廣活動。今年這部促進心理健康微電影拍攝歷時數月,屬誠意之作。映後座談環節中,編導、演員和嘉賓:澳大學生事務長彭執中先生和學生輔導處處長蘇桂龍博士與觀眾互動,分享了一些關於心理健康的議題,如追求自我完美的心態,引發觀眾的深思。 最後,聖公會澳門社會服務處簡俊賢社工向觀眾介紹Chat with You學生輔導熱線及線上支援計劃。這確實是一場獨特、精彩和難忘的首映會。