CMSA, UMSU: 2023 CMSA Photography Competition successfully held

澳門大學學生會內地學生會:「盛世華誕,文化葳蕤」 攝影比賽完滿結束


The content is provided by the CMSA of UMSU, reposted by SAO.

澳門大學學生會內地學生會於9月24日至10月8日,成功舉辦「盛世華誕 文化葳蕤」攝影比賽,最終評選「出神入化」獲獎者一名,「栩栩如生」獲獎者兩名,「妙手偶得」獲獎者三名以及「捕光捉影」獲獎者十名,現公布部分獲獎者作品和評委點評。

























感謝各位的積極參與,恭喜各位獲獎者。感謝張艷蘭 ,駱柱君兩位評委老師的點評以及澳門大學學生會攝影協會的協助。



The Chinese Mainland Students’ Association of the University of Macau Student Union (CMSA) successfully organized the CMSA Photography Competition from 24 September to 8 October. Winners are now announced, together with the comments from the judging panel.


First Prize

Photographed by LIUCHENXIN

Each of the three entries has its own distinctive characteristics, but this one is the most in line with the theme of reflection on cultural integration. It implies a space for reflection on class or division. The yellow-brown color palette seems to be a blend, but it implies an indescribable division of boundaries.


Second Prize

Photographed by CAOGAOBANG

There’s St Paul’s, there’s men, there’s women. Sculpture of a lady in cheongsam holding a lotus flower, symbolizing the hand of friendship between China and Portugal and the fusion of Chinese and Portuguese cultures.

Nearby is the unique language landscape of Chinese, Portuguese and English; in the distance is the Lisboa Casino integrated with the commercial streets, which is the combination of Macau’s tradition and modernity, the local and the world.

Photographed by JINZEYONGSHENG

Portuguese-era churches still have a place amongst the old Chinese tenement buildings, creating an unusual fusion of Chinese and Portuguese cultures.



Third Prize

Photographed by CAOJIAYUE

A very metaphorical photo: the former colonial defence structure, the Fortress, still remains as a sight to be admired by tourists, while the Lisboa and the Bank of China, which are the lifeblood of today’s economy, have quietly become icons of the changing times. In the fusion of cultures, what remains unchanged is the alternation and reproduction of life.

Photographed by SHANRUSHUI

Macao primary school student with her Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting in her hand, passing on the cultural flame.

Photographed by PEIZHENGYANG

Rua de Ferreira de Almeida, an old street in Macau, has been combined with the “Rua de Ferreira de Almeida Pedestrianization Plan” currently implemented by the government to highlight the characteristics of Rua de Ferreira de Almeida as well as its history and culture.


Thank you for your active participation and congratulations to the winners. We would like to thank the jury members, Ms Anilan Zhang and Mr Luo Zhujun, for their comments, as well as the Photography Association of the Student Union of the University of Macau for their assistance.


The final explanation of this activity belongs to the CMSA.