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17 2024-06

[Reminder] Open for Application: Nanjing University “Sci-Tech innovation” Youth Camp 2024 (Deadline: June 21, 10:00)



日期:2024 年 7月23至29日(七天)





1. 持有效澳門或香港居民身份證及回鄉證之澳門大學全日制學生;

2. 按活動期間要求參與研修活動及作業,並於結束時提交心得;

3. 不設報名費,來回交通自費,落地全包(個人消費除外)


1. 科技學院優先;

2. 名額有限,以履歷或曾參與之學生活動作評分(如有需要將安排面試);

3. 由澳門大學及主辦院校共同進行選拔。學生事務部將根據申請材料審核申請擇優推薦,主辦方保留錄取資格的最終決定權。


報名連結https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Ia4hNVJRSYM24C   (截止申請日期:6月21日上午10:00)


1. 主辦院校有權按實際申請情況,修改活動日期及內容,請於申請時注意並尊重主辦單位的安排。

2. 選拔結果及更新消息將以電郵形式通知,請於報名後定期檢查報名系統上登記之電郵郵箱。如因資料填寫錯誤或個人郵箱無效導致錯過任何重要資訊,相關責任由學生自行承擔。

3. 一旦獲主辦院校錄取及學生本人確認參與後,學生不得隨意退出項目。任何缺乏正當及充分理由退出項目的情況將會被記錄在案,將影響學生將來申請其他交流或學期交換項目。

4. 學生在確認被錄取前如有任何查詢,請勿直接聯絡主辦院校,應與澳門大學學生事務部聯絡查詢,電話 8822 9915,電郵 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。

[Reminder] Open for Application: Nanjing University “Sci-Tech innovation” Youth Camp 2024 (Deadline: June 21, 10:00)2024-07-17T00:01:47+08:00
5 2024-06

Open for Application: Nanjing University “Sci-Tech innovation” Youth Camp 2024 (Deadline: June 21, 10:00)



日期:2024 年 7月16至22日(七天)





1. 持有效澳門或香港居民身份證及回鄉證之澳門大學全日制學生;

2. 按活動期間要求參與研修活動及作業,並於結束時提交心得;

3. 不設報名費,來回交通自費,落地全包(個人消費除外)


1. 科技學院優先;

2. 名額有限,以履歷或曾參與之學生活動作評分(如有需要將安排面試);

3. 由澳門大學及主辦院校共同進行選拔。學生事務部將根據申請材料審核申請擇優推薦,主辦方保留錄取資格的最終決定權。


報名連結https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Ia4hNVJRSYM24C  (截止申請日期:6月21日上午10:00)


1. 主辦院校有權按實際申請情況,修改活動日期及內容,請於申請時注意並尊重主辦單位的安排。

2. 選拔結果及更新消息將以電郵形式通知,請於報名後定期檢查報名系統上登記之電郵郵箱。如因資料填寫錯誤或個人郵箱無效導致錯過任何重要資訊,相關責任由學生自行承擔。

3. 一旦獲主辦院校錄取及學生本人確認參與後,學生不得隨意退出項目。任何缺乏正當及充分理由退出項目的情況將會被記錄在案,將影響學生將來申請其他交流或學期交換項目。

4. 學生在確認被錄取前如有任何查詢,請勿直接聯絡主辦院校,應與澳門大學學生事務部聯絡查詢,電話 8822 9915,電郵 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。

Open for Application: Nanjing University “Sci-Tech innovation” Youth Camp 2024 (Deadline: June 21, 10:00)2024-06-24T00:00:30+08:00
10 2024-04

External Activity: 2024 Macau Goodies Festival and Live Streaming Competition (Application Deadline: 23:59; 14 April)


以下資料由 澳門直播協會 提供,由學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by the Macau Live Streaming Association and posted by the Student Affairs Office.







比賽章程:2024 澳門好物節直播電商大賽活動大賽章程


查詢:+853 6855 6225(梁女士)

Remarks: The Macau Live Streaming Association only provides the Chinese content to the Student Affairs Office. For English details, please get in touch with the organizer. 

External Activity: 2024 Macau Goodies Festival and Live Streaming Competition (Application Deadline: 23:59; 14 April)2024-04-15T00:00:30+08:00
1 2024-03

Accounting Society of UMSU: “RUISUAN” Accounting Knowledge Competition 2024 (Application deadline: Mar 20)



The contents are provided by the  Accounting Society, UMSU, reposted by SAO

澳門大學學生會會計學會「澳門高校聯賽」2024 “睿算” — 會計知識競賽來啦!


2024年度睿算-澳門高校會計知識競賽開始報名啦!想嘗試商賽的同學們萬萬不可錯過這個機會!此次比賽,你將與澳門大學、澳門科技大學中的優秀隊伍共同較量。不僅能體驗商賽的挑戰與樂趣,還有機會結識各校的優秀人才,並與專業教授以及CPA Australia 相關負責人面對面交流。

同時,參賽者無論是否進入決賽,均可獲得參賽證書以及享受CPA Australia的相關福利!而決賽選手更有機會獲得豐厚獎金、榮譽證書、獎牌以及獎杯等。


本次比賽需要組隊報名參加,詳情可參照海報。初賽和決賽之具體時間地點會以郵件的形式發送給報名成功的同學。有興趣的同學快點組隊報名參加喔,詳情可掃描Poster的QR code查看章程。




Remarks: The organizer only provides the Chinese content. For inquiry, please get in touch with the organizer.

Accounting Society of UMSU: “RUISUAN” Accounting Knowledge Competition 2024 (Application deadline: Mar 20)2024-03-21T00:00:13+08:00
31 2024-01

2024 UM Email Address for UMSU and their active sub-organizations

  澳門大學學生會 The University of Macau Students’ Union
1 澳門大學學生會 The University of Macau Students’ Union umsu@connect.um.edu.mo
2 澳門大學學生會會員大會 The University of Macau Students’ Union General Assembly umsu.assembly@connect.um.edu.mo
3 澳門大學學生會監事會 The University of Macau Students’ Union Supervisory Board umsu.superbd@connect.um.edu.mo
4 澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 The University of Macau Students’ Union Election Committee umsu.electbd@connect.um.edu.mo
5 澳門大學學生會畢業生委員會 The University of Macau Students’ Union Graduation Committee umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo
  學院及其他學生會 Faculty Associations & Other Students’ Associations
6 宿生交流學生會 Boarders’ Communication Students’ Association umsu.bcsa@connect.um.edu.mo
7 人文學院學生會 Faculty of Arts and Humanities Students’ Association umsu.fahsa@connect.um.edu.mo
8 工商管理學院學生會 Faculty of Business Administration Students’ Association umsu.fbasa@connect.um.edu.mo
9 教育學院學生會 Faculty of Education Students’ Association umsu.fedsa@connect.um.edu.mo
10 健康科學學院學生會 Faculty of Health Science Students’ Association umsu.fhssa@connect.um.edu.mo
11 法學院學生會 Faculty of Law Students’ Association umsu.fllsa@connect.um.edu.mo
12 社會科學學院學生會 Faculty of Social Sciences Students’ Association umsu.fsssa@connect.um.edu.mo
13 科技學院學生會 Faculty of Science and Technology Students’ Association umsu.fstsa@connect.um.edu.mo
14 榮譽學院學生會 Honours College Student Association umsu.hcsa@connect.um.edu.mo
  非本地生聯會 Non-local Students’ Association
15 內地學生會 China Mainland Students’ Association umsu.cmsa@connect.um.edu.mo
16 國際學生會 International Students’ Association umsu.isa@connect.um.edu.mo
  學術聯會 Academic Association
17 學術聯會 Academic Association umsu.aca@connect.um.edu.mo
18 會計學會 Accounting Society umsu.accso@connect.um.edu.mo
19 澳門大學學生會美國土木工程師學會國際學生會澳門大學土木及環境工程學系學生支部 American Society of Civil Engineers International Student Group, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UM, University of Macau Students’ Union umsu.asce@connect.um.edu.mo
20 傳播學會 Communication Society umsu.commso@connect.um.edu.mo
21 數學及交叉學科建模學會 Mathematical and Interdisciplinary Modeling Association umsu.mim@connect.um.edu.mo
22 金融學會 Finance Society umsu.finance@connect.um.edu.mo
23 商業分析學會 Business Analytics Association umsu.baa@connect.um.edu.mo
24 歷史學學會 History Association umsu.histso@connect.um.edu.mo
25 一番會 Ichibankai Club umsu.ichiban@connect.um.edu.mo
26 英國機械工程師學會澳門大學學生分部 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Student Chapter umsu.imeche@connect.um.edu.mo
27 市場營銷學會 Marketing Society umsu.mktso@connect.um.edu.mo
28 數學學會 Mathematics Society umsu.mas@connect.um.edu.mo
29 電機暨電子工程師學會 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., umsu.ieee@connect.um.edu.mo
30 心理學會 Psychological Society umsu.psyso@connect.um.edu.mo
31 社會學學會 Sociology Association umsu.sociso@connect.um.edu.mo
32 工程及科技學會香港分會青年會員部澳門學生支部 The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Hong Kong, Younger Members Section, Macau Students Section umsu.iet@connect.um.edu.mo
33 澳門工程師學會學生分部 The Macau Institution of Engineers Student Members Division of University of Macau Students’ Union umsu.aeme@connect.um.edu.mo
34 電腦學會 Computer Society umsu.cps@connect.um.edu.mo
35 旅遊會展及款客學會 Tourism, Convention and Hospitality Society umsu.tchs@connect.um.edu.mo
36 國際法學會 International Law Association umsu.ilsa@connect.um.edu.mo
37 經濟學會 Economic Society umsu.econ@connect.um.edu.mo
38 中文學會 Chinese Society umsu.cll@connect.um.edu.mo
39 機械人學會 Robotics Club umsu.robotics@connect.um.edu.mo
40 物理及化學學會 Physics and Chemistry Society umsu.pcso@um.edu.mo
41 澳門機電工程師學會學生分會 The Macao Institution of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Student Section umsu.mieme@um.edu.mo
  文娛聯會 Culture and Recreation Association
42 文娛聯會 Culture and Recreation Association umsu.cra@connect.um.edu.mo
43 動漫研究會 Animation and Comic Society umsu.umsuacs@connect.um.edu.mo
44 演辯學會暨辯論隊 Cantonese Debate Team umsu.cdclub@connect.um.edu.mo
45 文學創作社 Literature Club umsu.litclub@connect.um.edu.mo
46 基督徒團契 Christian Fellowship umsu.christ@connect.um.edu.mo
47 調酒與咖啡研究會 Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society umsu.ccls@connect.um.edu.mo
48 烹飪學會 Culinary Art Society umsu.cooking@connect.um.edu.mo
49 戲劇社 Drama Society umsu.dramaso@connect.um.edu.mo
50 英語辯論協會 English Debating Society umsu.eds@connect.um.edu.mo
51 創業學會 Entrepreneurship Society umsu.entreso@connect.um.edu.mo
52 繪畫社 Drawing and Painting Society umsu.daps@connect.um.edu.mo
53 航模會 Model Aircraft Society umsu.modas@connect.um.edu.mo
54 商賽學會 Model Business Competition Society umsu.mbcs@connect.um.edu.mo
55 模擬聯合國協會 Model United Nations Association umsu.muna@connect.um.edu.mo
56 音樂學會 Music Society umsu.musicso@connect.um.edu.mo
57 攝影學會 Photography Society umsu.photoso@connect.um.edu.mo
58 扶輪青年服務團 Rotaract Club umsu.racum@connect.um.edu.mo
59 英語演講學會 Toastmaster Club umsu.tmaster@connect.um.edu.mo
60 志願者協會 Volunteer Society umsu.volso@connect.um.edu.mo
61 室內樂學會 Chamber Music Society umsu.cms@connect.um.edu.mo
62 茶文化學會 Tea Culture Association umsu.teaclub@connect.um.edu.mo
  體育聯會 Sports Association
63 體育聯會 Sports Association umsu.sportsoc@connect.um.edu.mo
64 空手道會 Karate Club umsu.karate@connect.um.edu.mo
65 射箭學會 Archery Association umsu.aa@connect.um.edu.mo
66 健球會 Kinball Club umsu.kbc@connect.um.edu.mo
67 攀登會 Rock Climbing Club umsu.climb@connect.um.edu.mo
68 美式足球會 American Football Club umsu.afc@connect.um.edu.mo
69 舞蹈學會 Dance Society umsu.dansociety@connect.um.edu.mo
70 劍擊會 Fencing Club umsu.fencing@connect.um.edu.mo
71 田徑會 Track and Field Club umsu.tnfclub@connect.um.edu.mo
72 籃球會 Basketball Club umsu.basketball@connect.um.edu.mo
73 足球會 Football Society umsu.football@connect.um.edu.mo
74 排球會 Volleyball Club umsu.volleyball@connect.um.edu.mo
75 君子球會 Tchoukball Club umsu.tchoukball@connect.um.edu.mo
76 龍舟會 Dragon Boat Club umsu.dragonboat@connect.um.edu.mo
77 羽毛球會 Badminton Club umsu.badminton@connect.um.edu.mo
78 合球會 Korfball Club umsu.korfball@connect.um.edu.mo
79 柔道會 Judo Club umsu.judoclub@connect.um.edu.mo
80 網球會 Tennis Club umsu.tennis@connect.um.edu.mo
81 乒乓球會 Table Tennis Club umsu.ttclub@connect.um.edu.mo
82 扯鈴運動學會 Diabolo Sports Association umsu.diabolo@connect.um.edu.mo
83 手球運動學會 Handball Club umsu.handball@connect.um.edu.mo
84 賽艇會 Rowing Club umsu.rowing@connect.um.edu.mo
85 壁球會 Squash Society umsu.squash@connect.um.edu.mo
86 定向運動屬會 Orienteering Society umsu.ortsclub@connect.um.edu.mo
87 跆拳道會 Taekwondo Club umsu.taekwondo@connect.um.edu.mo
88 帆船會 Sailing Association umsu.sailing@connect.um.edu.mo


2024 UM Email Address for UMSU and their active sub-organizations2024-01-31T10:27:10+08:00
24 2024-01

CMSA, UMSU: 「2024 CMSA New Year’s Concert」(28 Jan, 19:30, E31-plaza, 35CS point)



The content is provided by the CMSA, UMSU, reported by SAO.


新學期一個月的學習接近尾聲,不知大家是否在緊鑼密鼓的功課中,翹首以盼團圓新年的到來。2024年,正值澳門特別行政區回歸中華人民共和國25週年;在新年來臨之際,澳門大學學生會內地學生會舉辦主題為「金蓮盛放廿五載 攜手共贏新徵程」的新年音樂會,共賀新春,擘畫未來。誠摯歡迎各位的參與!



時間:2024年1月28日(星期日), 19:30(可於18:50開始入場)





Dear students,

The first month of the new semester is coming to an end. Everyone is eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Chinese New Year, looking forward to the reunion with family. 2024 is the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to the People’s Republic of China, and CMSA holds a New Year’s Concert with the theme of “Golden Lotus Blooms for 25 Years, Join Hands to Win a New Journey”.Celebrating the New Year together and drawing up a new plan for the future. We sincerely welcome your participation!

This New Year’s concert not only has the dedicated contributions of the art troupes of the CMSA but also the talents of dance groups from MLC. Whether you are part of the splendid display on the stage or just appreciate under the stage, no matter where you come from, will surely be able to experience the joy of the New Year and the beauty of life. Together with the continuous development of Macao, let’s prepare for every challenge actively in the new journey!

Students who participate in the whole event will earn 35.0 points in “Cultural Engagement” in the Whole Person Development Programme.

Time: 28 January 2024 (Sunday),  19:30 ( enter at 18:50)

Venue:  Open-air plaza at E31-Student Activity Centre


Looking forward to seeing you!



CMSA, UMSU: 「2024 CMSA New Year’s Concert」(28 Jan, 19:30, E31-plaza, 35CS point)2024-01-28T00:00:12+08:00
8 2024-01

Cantonese Class (2nd semester) is open for application (Jan 10, 10:00, E31-G013)











1月10日(本週三)早上10:00,前往E31-G013 報名。



如有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡,電話: 8822 9915 或電郵: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。


Dear Students, 

Organized by SAO, the Cantonese Interest Class (2nd semester) is open for application this Wednesday.


Objective: To assist the participants in getting used to the environment in Macau.

Contents: Participants can learn the pronunciation of useful Cantonese words, how to introduce themselves, and daily communication skills.

Certificate: With an attendance rate of 80% or above and passing the examination

Medium of Language: Mandarin

Class schedule: please refer to the poster

Registration method: Starting from 10:00, Jan 10 (Wed), 2024 at E31-G013

**Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis **


For enquiry, please contact us by phone at 8822 9915 or email at sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.

Student Affairs Office

Cantonese Class (2nd semester) is open for application (Jan 10, 10:00, E31-G013)2024-01-11T00:00:11+08:00
10 2023-11

FBASA, UMSU: 2023 FBA DAY is on the way (Nov 14, 19:00, U-Hall)



The content is provided by the FBASA of UMSU, reposted by SAO-SDS.


差不多到 FBASA 的年度盛事 FBA DAY !本次的主題是《EYES ON ME》,想帶出的訊息就是每一個人都是自己人生的主角。無論我們是擔任什麼角色,我們都需要保持著「EYES ON ME」的精神,保持專注和堅持;不論風雨如何,永遠堅定地扮演著自己的角色。通過當晚文藝晚會的表演,讓我們的眼睛緊盯著目標,堅信自己的價值和能力,成為這場壯麗人生劇場中最耀眼的主角。


本次 FBA DAY 將會為大家帶來各式各樣精彩的表演。嘉賓方面,我們邀請了香港著名創作歌手 Jace 陳凱詠將《EYES ON ME》的態度唱出來!亦邀請了周啓陽先生作為當日司儀,CHILLPOPGUYS、澳門跆拳道東龍會,以及 Black Iris 帶來舞蹈及跆拳道表演。獎品方面,有 10000 元現金簽賬額、EF 遊學劵、iPad Air 等等!有什麼比一邊看表演,一邊贏獎品更加開心呢?大家還在猶豫什麼呢?


只需 60 元就可以同朋友一起來享受 FBASA 一年一度最大型活動


我們在 E4 以及 E22 G 層設有購票攤位。如果錯過購票時間,可以在活動當日開場前在 N2 進行購票。


舉辦時間: 2023 年 11 月 14 日 (星期二)

時間:19:00 正式開始

地點: N2 大學會堂




Dear students,

It’s almost time for FBASA’s largest event every year, FBA DAY! The theme this time is “EYES ON ME”, and the message we want to bring out is that everyone is the protagonist of their own life. No matter what role we play, we need to maintain the spirit of “EYES ON ME”, stay focused and be persistent; no matter what situation we face, we must always play our role firmly. Through the music and dance performance that evening, let us keep our eyes on the goal, firmly believe in our own value and ability, and become the most dazzling protagonist in this magnificent theater of life.

This time, FBA DAY will bring you a variety of exciting performances. As for guests, we invited the famous Hong Kong singer-songwriter Jace Chan to express the attitude of “EYES ON ME” with her energetic performance! Mr. Elvis Chao is also invited as the master of ceremonies. Also, we will have CHILLPOPGUYS, Associação de Taekwondo Dragão Oriental de Macau, and Black Iris performing dance and taekwondo performances. In terms of prizes, there are 10,000 dollar spending credits, EF study tour coupons, iPad Air, etc. What could be more amazing than watching a show and winning prizes at the same time?

What are you still hesitating about?

For only MOP$60, you can come with your friends to enjoy the joyful atmosphere of FBASA’s largest annual event “FBA DAY”! Spend a fun night together!

We have ticket booths on E4 and E22 G floors. If you miss the ticket purchase time, you can purchase tickets at N2 before the event starts on the day.

Date of FBA DAY: November 14, 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: Starting at 19:00

Venue: N2 University Hall




FBASA, UMSU: 2023 FBA DAY is on the way (Nov 14, 19:00, U-Hall)2023-11-14T00:00:09+08:00
31 2023-10

CMSA, UMSU: The National Day Gala (Nov 5; E31 Theatre; 19:30)



The content is provided by the CMSA of UMSU, reposted by SAO.





Dear students, 

The National Day Gala will be held on November 5 at the E31 Theatre. It aims to provide a stage for UM students to showcase their musical talents. The event will be held in the form of a performance and display, with no restrictions on the format of the program. There will be multiple rounds of lottery draws during the period. The event starts on time at 19:30, and teachers and students can enter and take their seats starting at 18:50. The event is expected to last 2 hours and 20 minutes. All teachers and students are welcome to come and watch.



CMSA, UMSU: The National Day Gala (Nov 5; E31 Theatre; 19:30)2023-11-06T00:00:08+08:00
19 2023-10

CMSA, UMSU: 2023 CMSA Photography Competition successfully held



The content is provided by the CMSA of UMSU, reposted by SAO.

澳門大學學生會內地學生會於9月24日至10月8日,成功舉辦「盛世華誕 文化葳蕤」攝影比賽,最終評選「出神入化」獲獎者一名,「栩栩如生」獲獎者兩名,「妙手偶得」獲獎者三名以及「捕光捉影」獲獎者十名,現公布部分獲獎者作品和評委點評。

























感謝各位的積極參與,恭喜各位獲獎者。感謝張艷蘭 ,駱柱君兩位評委老師的點評以及澳門大學學生會攝影協會的協助。



The Chinese Mainland Students’ Association of the University of Macau Student Union (CMSA) successfully organized the CMSA Photography Competition from 24 September to 8 October. Winners are now announced, together with the comments from the judging panel.


First Prize

Photographed by LIUCHENXIN

Each of the three entries has its own distinctive characteristics, but this one is the most in line with the theme of reflection on cultural integration. It implies a space for reflection on class or division. The yellow-brown color palette seems to be a blend, but it implies an indescribable division of boundaries.


Second Prize

Photographed by CAOGAOBANG

There’s St Paul’s, there’s men, there’s women. Sculpture of a lady in cheongsam holding a lotus flower, symbolizing the hand of friendship between China and Portugal and the fusion of Chinese and Portuguese cultures.

Nearby is the unique language landscape of Chinese, Portuguese and English; in the distance is the Lisboa Casino integrated with the commercial streets, which is the combination of Macau’s tradition and modernity, the local and the world.

Photographed by JINZEYONGSHENG

Portuguese-era churches still have a place amongst the old Chinese tenement buildings, creating an unusual fusion of Chinese and Portuguese cultures.



Third Prize

Photographed by CAOJIAYUE

A very metaphorical photo: the former colonial defence structure, the Fortress, still remains as a sight to be admired by tourists, while the Lisboa and the Bank of China, which are the lifeblood of today’s economy, have quietly become icons of the changing times. In the fusion of cultures, what remains unchanged is the alternation and reproduction of life.

Photographed by SHANRUSHUI

Macao primary school student with her Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting in her hand, passing on the cultural flame.

Photographed by PEIZHENGYANG

Rua de Ferreira de Almeida, an old street in Macau, has been combined with the “Rua de Ferreira de Almeida Pedestrianization Plan” currently implemented by the government to highlight the characteristics of Rua de Ferreira de Almeida as well as its history and culture.


Thank you for your active participation and congratulations to the winners. We would like to thank the jury members, Ms Anilan Zhang and Mr Luo Zhujun, for their comments, as well as the Photography Association of the Student Union of the University of Macau for their assistance.


The final explanation of this activity belongs to the CMSA.

CMSA, UMSU: 2023 CMSA Photography Competition successfully held2023-10-31T00:00:08+08:00
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