UM Mental Health Awareness Month: “Dialogue with Flowers” Stress Reduction Workshop


Pastoral Care Support Unit of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organised a Stress Reduction workshop on 25 October 2023, to promote students’ well-being through horticulture.  Ms. Yan Leong, MCM College social worker, introduced the relationship between horticultural therapy and emotions, and demonstrated the various steps of flower arrangement. As participants sat in the Junior Common Room and focused on arranging the flowers, their stress was gradually released.  Flower arrangement process allowed participants to tap into their carefree zone with no assignment deadlines or mid-term exams to worry about. At the end of the workshop, participants shared their wonderful experiences with the group and happily took home their own little flower pots.

澳門大學滿珍紀念書院牧關舍於2023年10月25日舉辦減壓工作坊,以園藝促進學生的心理健康。書院社工梁佩欣女士介紹了園藝治療與情緒的關係,並示範了插花的各種步驟。 當參與者坐在六藝軒中專注地插花時,他們的壓力逐漸得到釋放。 插花過程讓參與者進入無憂無慮的狀態,無需擔心作業期限或期中考試。 工作坊結束時,參與者與大家分享他們的美好體驗,並開心地將自己的小花盆帶回家。