Patriot Sentiments at MLC-Guided Tour to the Commemorative Gallery of the Macau Basic Law
(撰文:賴珍鈮 馬萬祺羅柏心書院助理)
In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of The Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Drafting Committee of The Basic Law, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) organized a visit to the Commemorative Gallery of the Macao Basic Law on August 27, 2023. The purpose of this visit was to deepen participants’ understanding of the profound historical roots and significant practical implications of the Basic Law of Macao. Additionally, the visit honored the patriotic spirit of Mr. Ma Man Kei’s involvement in drafting and consulting on the Basic Law and Mrs. Ma Lo Pak Sam’s dedication to education.
Before reaching the gallery, students had already displayed keen interest and excitement regarding the “One Country, Two Systems” framework and the Macao Basic Law’s formulation and implementation. During the visit, students actively engaged and posed questions. The knowledgeable guide provided a vibrant narrative on the historical context, the drafting process, and the collaborative efforts across various sectors to promote and implement the Macao Basic Law. Students enthusiastically responded to the guide’s inquiries. This event deepened the students’ comprehension of the Macao Basic Law and fostered a greater sense of civic responsibility among them. Their cultural awareness was also enriched through insights into Macao’s legal development. The students were genuinely captivated by the allure of the Basic Law of Macao, broadening their knowledge perspective.
Reporter: Lai Zhenni, Resident Assistant, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College
同學們細心聆聽導賞員講解 |
同學們聚精會神地閱讀“一國兩制”的解說 |
MLC師生與澳門基本法紀念館導賞員合影留念 |