Macao Cultural Excursion Series – Coloane Half-Day Tour

澳門文化之旅系列 – 路環半日遊

On 28 October 2023, Guia House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau, led by College Senior Fellow (non-resident), Prof. Sit Pou Seong, organised a half-day tour to Coloane. Participants visited the small historic town, including a small market frequented by villagers, a church built in the last century, and Sino-Portuguese style buildings. The group visited Tam Kong Temple and Ancient Temple of Tin Hau along the seaside, and learned about the traditional beliefs retained by Macao residents. The group then followed the path to the ruins of the shipyard in Coloane and learned how people in the past made boats. Through this cultural trip to Coloane, the group had a deeper understanding and feeling of the local customs of Macao.

Text: Gabriel Tan

於2023年10月28日,澳門大學滿珍纪念書院Guia House書院資深導師(非駐院)薛寶嫦教授的帶領下,組織了路環半日遊。參加者一起遊覽了歷史悠久的小鎮,包括村民經常光顧的小市集,建於上世紀的教堂,以及中葡風格的建築。同學們沿著海邊參觀了譚公廟和天后古廟,了解澳門居民所保留的傳統信仰。隨後,同學們沿著小路前往路環造船廠遺址,了解過去人們是如何造船。透過這趟路環文化之旅,同學們對澳門風土人情有了更深入的了解與感受。
