MCM College Arrows Unleashed – Archery Experiential workshop


On the evening of October 21st at 5:00 pm, University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College Dom Pedro V House student leaders led college members to the UM’s archery range for an archery experiential class – Arrows Unleashed, with the aim to give students an opportunity to learn about and experience archery firsthand. The participants showed curiosity and excitement as they entered the archery field. The instructor provided a humorous introduction to the origin, rules, and precautions of archery, sparking lively discussions among the participants. The instructor then passionately explained the basics of archery, including the composition of the bow and arrow, shooting posture, and aiming skills. The participants enthusiastically absorbed the knowledge, asking questions and interacting with each other. The success of the class not only allowed the students to learn about archery but also fostered teamwork, competition, and friendship. Additionally, the sense of achievement and enjoyment from archery boosted their self-confidence and positive mindset, contributing to their overall personal development.

Text: Yifan YING


在10月21號傍晚五點,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Dom Pedro V House 學生領袖帶領書院同學來到學校的射箭場, 開啟了一場射箭體驗課。 本次體驗課是為了提供給同學們一個射箭體驗的機會,讓他們瞭解射箭的基本知識和技巧,並通過實際操作來感受射箭的樂趣。

射箭屬會的導師以幽默風趣的方式向大家介紹了射箭的起源、規則和注意事項,引發了現場的一片熱烈討論。 隨後,他繼續生動地講解了射箭的基本知識,從弓箭的組成到射擊姿勢、瞄準技巧,無一不流露出他對射箭的熱愛和專業知識。 參與者們如同渴望知識的海綿,積極提問、互動交流,讓整個講解過程充滿了活力與激情。

這次射箭體驗課的成功舉辦讓書院同學們收穫了更多。 他們不僅學到了射箭的基本知識和技巧,還培養了團隊合作和競爭意識,也交到了好朋友。 同時,射箭帶來的成就感和樂趣也增強了他們的自信心和積極心態,成就全人發展。

文: 應一帆

Text: Yifan YING