News Express: UM holds seminar on innovation and commercialisation of Chinese medicine in GBA



Zhao Yonghua announces the publication of the Blue Book





研討會主題為 “創新轉化與科學監管”,由廣東省呼吸與健康學會、中華中醫藥學會中藥產業發展與科學監管高端智庫、粵港澳中醫藥政策與技術研究中心承辦,廣州呼吸健康研究院、粵澳合作中醫藥科技產業園及生物島實驗室協辦。廣州呼吸健康研究院副院長、研究院指導委員會委員楊子峰主持開幕式;會議主席、中國工程院院士、廣州實驗室主任、研究院指導委員會主席鍾南山院士,廣東省中醫藥局局長徐慶鋒,廣東省藥品監督管理局副局長王玲等發表致辭。會上,廣東省呼吸與健康學會與清遠市佛岡縣簽署了戰略合作協議。


在學術研討環節,香港中文大學中醫藥學院教授林志秀先以《香港中成藥註冊制度解讀》為題發表專題學術報告,對香港地區中藥註冊法規進行了詳細的解讀;中國中醫藥科技發展中心、國家中醫局人才中心主任胡鏡清則以“中藥監管科學戰略研究”為題發表學術報告。在案例分享環節,石家莊以嶺藥業股份有限公司院長賈振華以“ 口服藥在澳門註冊後到內地轉化渠道探討”為題,就澳門正在推進的1.1類新藥註冊研究進行了大會交流;廣州醫科大學、廣州白雲山和記黃埔中藥有限公司聯合培養的博士後嚴曾豪則以“複方板藍根顆粒改良開發及轉化”等項目作為實際落地案例分享,並討論了澳門中藥創新轉化的最新進展。




UM holds seminar on innovation and commercialisation of Chinese medicine in GBA


The Macau Institute for Translational Medicine and Innovation at the University of Macau (UM) held a closed-door seminar on innovation, commercialisation, and high-quality development of Chinese medicine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), as well as a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation between the Guangdong Respiratory and Health Association and Fogang County of Qingyuan City. The event aimed to promote the modernisation of the drug regulatory system and regulatory capacity, and to facilitate the development of the Chinese medicine industry in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Officials from the drug regulatory authorities of the three places, as well as scholars, professors, and company representatives from all over the country attended the event.

Zhong Nanshan, chair of the seminar, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and president of the Steering Committee of the Macau Institute for Translational Medicine and Innovation; Xu Qingfeng, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau of Guangdong Province; Wang Ling, deputy director of the Drug Administration of Guangdong Province, delivered a speech at the seminar respectively. In addition, Zhao Yonghua, interim associate head of the Macau Institute for Translational Medicine and Innovation, announced the publication of the Blue Book of Research Projects on the Regulatory Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Macao SAR. The symposium also included an academic discussion session, a sharing session, and a panel discussion, where participants delivered academic presentations, shared their experiences, and exchanged views.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: