MCM College: “The Curse of Halloween” Event

滿珍紀念書院:彌留之 「戲」萬聖節活動

Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held a Halloween activity: “The Curse of Halloween” on 31st October 2023.  This event was carefully planned by house leaders and House Association to create an opportunity for students to experience the culture celebrated worldwide.  Students participated in warm-up activities such as: Werewolf Killing, Horror Box, DIY Jack-O-Lantern, Mask Painting, and Body Painting.  Afterwards, they completed a series of challenges such as Frozen Dance, Candy Cane, Pumpkin Ball Blowing and Candy Bomb.  This event attracted over 80 participants, including the resident and non-resident academic staff, creating a festive atmosphere.

Text: Rachel Zhan





