Honours College Tutor Programme – Now calling for registration

榮譽學院學習指導計劃 - 現正接受報名

Dear Year 1 & 2 UM students,

Greetings from HC Tutor Programme Committee 2023/24!

Honours College (HC) students have initiated the “Honours College Tutor Programme” since 2011. The programme aims to provide study assistance to UM undergraduate students by providing one-on-one tutorials. All tutors are current HC senior students with outstanding academic competitiveness and a great willingness to offer help. 

The tutorials are process-oriented, and learner-centered, requiring active engagement from each student. Tutorials will mainly focus on the areas below:

  • Study Strategies
  • Specific Courses’ Contents
  • Essay/Exam Preparation

The tutorials will be offered flexibly by appointment between the tutor and tutee. For interested students, please sign up via the link below:


The deadline for registration is March 1, 2024. Confirmation email will be sent to you after you have successfully registered, and we will match the suitable tutor and class schedules for you.

You may find more information about the HC Tutor Programme here: https://hc.um.edu.mo/supporting-programme/hc-tutor-programme/.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact HC Tutor Programme Committee 2023/24 at: hctutorprogram@gmail.com. Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,

HC Tutor Programme Committee 2023/24






如有任何疑問,請聯絡榮譽學院學習指導計劃2023/24籌委會 (hctutorprogram@gmail.com)。謝謝!

祝 學業進步!
