News Express: Delegation from Constructor University visits UM to promote research collaboration



(右起)宋永華、Werner Nau、Maja Feldt
(From right) Yonghua Song, Werner Nau, Maja Feldt



德國康斯特大學(Constructor University)代理常務副校長Werner Nau率團訪問澳門大學,與澳大校長宋永華、副校長馬許願等會面,探討進一步拓展兩校科教合作項目。

宋永華表示,澳大一直致力與海外一流高校深化合作,自今年4月與康斯特大學簽署合作備忘錄和學生交換協議,兩校一直保持良好的交流和合作。Werner Nau表示,康斯特大學高度重視與澳大的合作夥伴關係,期望藉是次回訪務實推進兩校在重點科研領域上的合作和交流。


代表團成員還包括德國康斯特大學管理主任Maja Feldt。澳大圖書館館長吳建中、全球事務總監王瑞兵、霍英東珍禧書院副院長蔣怡等亦參與接待。


Delegation from Constructor University visits UM to promote research collaboration

A delegation led by Werner Nau, interim provost of Constructor University, visited the University of Macau (UM). They met with UM Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins to explore the further development of collaboration projects between the two universities in research and teaching.

Song said that UM has been committed to deepening its cooperation with leading higher education institutions overseas. Since the signing of the memorandum of understanding and student exchange agreement with Constructor University in April this year, the two universities have engaged in productive exchanges and cooperation. Nau said that Constructor University attaches great importance to its partnership with UM and looks forward to promoting cooperation and exchanges between the two universities in key research areas through the visit.

The delegation also visited UM’s Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) and had a meeting with ICMS Director Chen Xin, Programme Coordinator Ung Oi Lam, and Prof Leung Chung Hang, and exchanged views on research collaboration in the field of biochemistry. The delegation also visited ICMS’s research facilities, the University Gallery, the UM library, and Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College.

Members of the delegation also included Maja Feldt, managing director of Constructor University. UM representatives assisting in guest reception included Wu Jianzhong, university librarian of UM; Wang Ruibing, director of the Global Affairs Office; and Jiang Yi, associate master of Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: