Share-Love Music Stage Concert

Share-Love Music Stage 音樂會

Youth and vitality go hand in hand with teenagers aged 12 to 18, representing one of the most wonderful stages in life. In response to University of Macau Mental Health Awareness Month, Sheng Kung Hui Macau, in collaboration with the UM’s Chao Kuang Piu College, Choi Kai Yau College, Cheng Yu Tung College, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College, Moon Chun Memorial College, Stanley Ho East Asia College, and the Student Affairs Office’s Counseling Center, held the “Share Love Music Stage” concert on the evening of November 10th.  This concert provided a platform for teenagers and college students to connect through music, encouraging them to pursue personal interests, find a balance in life, and believe in their own abilities. Through music, they want to spread positive messages to others and the community.

Fifteen teams performed at the concert, creating a captivating exchange of musical charm. The finale performance featured Felix, the lead singer of Daze in white and former members of Valley Belly, who brought the concert to a climatic peak. In addition to the musical performances, the event also featured handicraft booths, offering young people opportunities to showcase their talents. The aim of these activities is to inspire confidence and unlock the potential of teenagers, providing them with opportunities to grow and glow.

青春、活力,是12至18歲青少年代名詞之一,是人生一個最美好的階段。為響應澳大心理健康推廣月,聖公會澳門社會服務處聯同澳門大學曹光彪書院、蔡繼有書院、鄭裕彤書院、霍英東珍禧書院、滿珍紀念書院、何鴻燊東亞書院以及學生事務部心理輔導中心,於11月10日傍晚舉行Share Love Music Stage音樂會。這場音樂會為青少年和大專生提供一個交流的平台,鼓勵參與者培養個人興趣,平衡生活,並相信自己的能力。通過音樂,給予他人正面的情緒和抗逆的能量,扮演起關懷社區的角色。

音樂會吸引了15支年輕隊伍的參與,他們在舞台上獻上了精彩的演出,彼此交流著音樂的魅力。壓軸表演嘉賓還有Daze in white 主唱Felix和歷代谷丹樂隊成員演出,為音樂會掀起高潮。除了音樂交流外,活動當天還設有青少年文創攤位,為年輕人提供了展示才華的機會。希望通過這樣的活動,能夠激發青少年的潛能,建立他們的自信心,並為他們的成長和發展創造更多的機會。