MCM College Canvas Bag DIY


University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College’s Dom Pedro V House student leaders organized an exciting canvas bag DIY event on November 5, 2023, for MCMC students. This event provided a platform for students to showcase their creative and artistic talents, resulting in a memorable experience for all involved.

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity for participants to paint on canvas bags using acrylic paints and markers. They were able to draw a variety of beautiful patterns and images on the bags, showcasing their unique artistic styles and preferences. From simple geometric shapes to complex landscapes, the creativity and imagination of the students shone through.

In addition to painting, student leaders also provided a variety of collage fabrics for participants to use. This gave them the chance to incorporate their own personalities and styles into the bags, creating something truly unique and personal.

The DIY activity encouraged students to explore their artistic potential and express themselves through creativity, promoting interaction and communication among MCMC members. At the end of the program, participants proudly displayed their works, showcasing diverse creativity and unique designs. These canvas bags not only serve a practical purpose as shopping bags but also make fashionable accessories that showcase individuality and fashion sense.

Text: Yifan YING

在2023年11月5日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Dom Pedro V House 學生領袖帶領滿珍的同學舉辦了一場手做帆布包活動。

這次活動的亮點之一是使用壓克力顏料和丙烯馬克筆在帆布包上繪畫。 同學們可以透過自己的創意和想像力,在帆布包上繪製出各種美麗的圖案和圖像。從簡單的幾何圖形到複雜的風景畫,每個人都可以根據自己的喜好和技能展現獨特的藝術風格。除了繪畫,學生領袖也提供了各種拼貼布料供同學使用。 大家可以選擇自己喜歡的布料,並在帆布包上縫製。 這種拼貼的方式使參與者可以將自己的個性和風格融入帆布包中,創造出與眾不同的作品。

這次活動鼓勵同學發掘自己的藝術潛能,並透過創作表達自己的個性與情感,促進院生之間的互動與交流。 大家在活動結束時紛紛展示他們的作品,呈現多樣化的創意和獨特的設計。 這些帆布包不僅可以用作實用的購物袋,還成為了展示個性的時尚配件。

文: 應一帆