News Express: UM awards scholarships to more than 400 outstanding students



Yonghua Song presents scholarships to outstanding students








兩場獎學金頒獎典禮共向404名學生頒發約400萬澳門元獎學金,分別由50多間機構及個人捐贈,包括教育學院優秀實習教師獎學金、教育學院全人發展獎學金、教育學院優秀服務獎學金、教育碩士優秀論文獎學金、教育博士優秀論文獎學金、教育學院研究生優秀研究成果獎學金、澳門大學理工科課程獎學金、澳門基金會優秀學生獎學金、霍英東基金會獎學金、中國銀行獎學金、中銀澳門—澳門大學國旗儀仗隊優秀隊員獎學金、金沙中國有限公司獎學金、澳門國際銀行獎學金、澳門國際銀行全人發展獎學金、南光教育獎學金、工銀澳門優才獎學金、銀河娛樂集團獎學金、澳能建設─鴻業集團獎學金、美高梅展才獎學金、澳娛綜合獎學金、大豐銀行獎學金、澳門永利獎學金、永利澳門全人發展獎學金、大西洋銀行澳門大學信用卡獎學金、邵逸夫獎學金、葡京集團獎學金、澳門同善堂獎學金、中國人壽學業成績獎學金、中國人壽傑出學生領袖獎學金、澳覓APP獎學金、芯耀輝學術獎項、蔡繼有獎學金、澳門電訊獎學金、澳門金濠漢堡慈善會獎學金、澳門佛教基金會獎學金、澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司獎學金、盧道和數學獎學金、飛萬里集團獎學金、黃正義獎學金、澳門大學發展基金會社會科學學院獎學金、歐維治基金會獎學金、澳門電力股份有限公司獎學金、澳門商業銀行獎學金、澳門歐洲研究學會學術獎項、澳門歐洲研究學會獎學金、澳門凱旋門及澳門葡京人菁英奬學金、宏利獎學金、澳門大學校友會獎學金、澳門大學校友會葛吳慧蓮女士奬學金、MdME卓越奬學金、羅德與施瓦茨無綫通訊獎學金、中國電信獎學金、澳門自來水有限公司獎學金、施展鵬律師事務所獎學金、永俊豪律師事務所暨私人公證員獎學金、黃昇雄獎學金、亞洲金融科技有限公司—AI & Data獎學金、ASHRAE澳門分會—供暖製冷及空調工程師學會獎學金、澳門大學學生會校友會傑出學生領袖獎學金、楊劍龍全人發展獎學金、麥興業大律師樓獎學金、OCT律師事務所獎學金、蘇張文慧獎學金、澳門大學(香港)校友會獎學金、CGMA財菁之星獎學金計畫、全球特許管理會計師公會財務領袖計劃獎和香港會計師公會專業資格課程獎學金。

獲獎學生名單 (第一部分):
獲獎學生名單 (第二部分):


UM awards scholarships to more than 400 outstanding students

The University of Macau (UM) today (22 November) held the Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2023. During the ceremony, the university presented scholarships and academic prizes to 404 students for their outstanding academic performance.

UM Rector Yonghua Song congratulated the students and expressed gratitude to the donors of the scholarships and academic prizes. Following its five-year development plan, UM continuously enhances its academic layout and curriculum design, deepens collaborative education models and patriotic education, and actively encourages and supports students’ participation in the Greater Bay Area. As Macao accelerates efforts towards moderate economic diversification and the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, UM maintains close collaboration with the SAR government, proactively adjusting and planning its strategies to effectively respond to new challenges and changes. The university has made remarkable progress and advancements in student enrolment, academic standards, as well as its local and international reputation, thereby establishing a solid foundation for future progress and development.

To encourage students to strive for excellence, UM offered more than 80 scholarships and academic prizes in the past year. In the 2022/2023 academic year, UM received a total of over MOP 4.4 million in academic prizes and scholarships from more than 50 institutions and individuals, which were awarded to more than 450 students. Some of the academic prizes were presented earlier at the Academic Prize Presentation Ceremony.

List of Awarded Students (Part 1):
List of Awarded Students (Part 2):

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: