News Express: UM to confer honorary doctorates on five distinguished individuals
UM will confer honorary doctorates on five distinguished individuals
澳門大學將於12月2日(星期六)舉行2023年榮譽學位及高等學位頒授典禮,向五位傑出人士:蔡昉、梁錦榮、汪正平、佛朗哥‧馬洛貝爾蒂 (Franco Maloberti) 及王士元頒授澳大榮譽博士學位;同場還將頒授博士及碩士學位。
梁錦榮為美國國家工程院院士、美國國家發明家科學院院士和美國國家醫學院院士,現任美國哥倫比亞大學生物醫學工程系Samuel Y. Sheng 特聘教授和系統生物學系教授。梁錦榮在多本期刊發表論文450餘篇,被引用超過67,000次,H指數達133,是2018及2022年ESI高被引學者;已授權專利超過60項,並公開專利14項。他在AD科學指數(AD Scientific Index)公佈的2024年全球工程和技術/生物醫學工程科學家排名中名列第八位。自2014年起,他一直擔任該領域頂級期刊《生物材料》(Biomaterials) 的主編。梁錦榮於2019年獲邀為澳大中華醫藥研究院傑出訪問學者。
汪正平為國際著名電子工程學學者,被譽為“現代半導體封裝之父"及“高錕第二"。現任美國喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)“董事教授"(Regents’ Professor)及材料科學及工程學系Charles Smithgall Institute講座教授,以及香港科技大學機械及航空航天工程學系客座教授及香港中文大學電子工程學系榮休教授。汪正平的研究領域包括聚合物電子材料、電子、光子及微機電器件封裝與互連材料、介面結合、納米功能材料的合成及特性等。他發表超過1,000篇專業論文,撰寫及編輯12本書籍,並持有超過65項美國專利。
佛朗哥‧馬洛貝爾蒂 (Franco Maloberti) 是國際電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)董事會成員,現任IEEE 第一技術領域主席(2022-2023)。馬洛貝爾蒂著有論文620餘篇,書籍10部,獲得專利41項。為表彰其多年來對澳大微電子學發展作出的重大貢獻,澳大於2009年向馬洛貝爾蒂頒授榮譽教授榮銜。之後,馬洛貝爾蒂繼續與澳大合作,於2010年與大學共同撰寫一篇關於模數轉換器的論文,被引用次數超過600次,成為模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室被引用次數最多的論文。
王士元是世界著名語言學家,台灣中央研究院院士。他創辦的《中國語言學報》(Journal of Chinese Linguistics)是語言學界最具影響力的學術期刊。王士元於1992當選為國際中國語言學會的創會會長,2017年榮獲上海人類學學會頒發的終身成就獎,2018年被芝加哥大學授予人文學榮譽博士學位,他還被北京大學、復旦大學、南開大學等學府頒授榮譽教授等崇高學術榮銜。王士元多年來關心澳門和澳門大學的學術事業,多次蒞澳發表學術觀點,介紹前沿研究,開展學術交流與合作。
UM to confer honorary doctorates on five distinguished individuals
The University of Macau (UM) will hold the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2023 on 2 December (Saturday), where honorary doctorates will be conferred on five distinguished individuals: Cai Fang, Leong Kam Weng, Ching-Ping Wong, Franco Maloberti, and William Shiyuan Wang. Doctoral and master’s degrees will also be awarded on the occasion.
In recognition of their outstanding achievements and significant contributions to society, five distinguished individuals will be honored at the ceremony. Prof Cai Fang will receive a Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa, Leong Kam Weng will receive a Doctor of Science honoris causa, Prof Ching-Ping Wong will receive a Doctor of Science honoris causa, Prof Franco Maloberti will receive a Doctor of Science honoris causa, and Prof William Shiyuan Wang will receive a Doctor of Humanities honoris causa.
Prof Cai Fang is a member of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), a chief expert of the CASS China Top Think Tank, and a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China. He is also a member of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Economists 50 Forum, and the chairman of the Academic Committee of the China Finance 40 Forum. Prof Cai has published more than 200 research articles and over 30 monographs in Chinese and English. He is the author of China’s Economy: Practical Exploration and Academic Understanding, The Development and Transformation of China’s Labour Market, and Beyond Demographic Dividends, as well as the editor of the Reports on China’s Population and Labor series. Recognised as one of the ‘100 economists who influenced the economic development of China in the past 60 years’, Prof Cai was the winner of the Second Zhang Peigang Development Economics Outstanding Research Achievement Award, the First China Soft Science Award, and the Fourth China Development 100 Person’s Award.
Prof Leong Kam Weng is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors, and a member of the US National Academy of Medicine. He is currently the Samuel Y. Sheng Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and with a joint appointment in the Department of Systems Biology at Columbia University in the US. Prof Leong has published more than 450 papers and has been cited over 67,000 times, with an H-index of 133. In 2018 and 2022, he was listed as an ESI Highly Cited Researcher. He holds more than 60 granted patents and 14 published patents. Prof Leong is ranked No 8 in the World Scientists Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering Rankings 2024 by AD Scientific Index. Since 2014, he has been the editor-in-chief of Biomaterials, a top journal in the field of biomaterials. Prof Leong was also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences of UM in 2019.
Prof Ching-Ping Wong is a world-renowned scholar in electronic engineering and is known as the Father of Modern Semiconductor Packaging, second only to Nobel laureate Sir Charles Kuen Kao. He is currently Regents’ Professor and the Charles Smithgall Institute Endowed Chair in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US. In addition, he is as an adjunct professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and has been granted the title of Emeritus Professor by the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof Wong’s research interests include polymeric electronic materials, electronic, photonic, and micro-electromechanical system packaging, interconnect and interfacial adhesions, as well as nano-functional material syntheses and characterisations. He has published over 1,000 technical papers, authored and edited 12 books, and holds more than 65 US patents.
Prof Franco Maloberti is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is currently the IEEE Division I Director (2022-2023). He is the author of more than 620 papers and 10 books, as well as the holder of 41 patents. In recognition of his significant contributions to the development of microelectronics at UM, the university conferred on him an honorary professorship in 2009. Prof Maloberti maintains a close partnership with UM. In 2010, he co-authored a paper on analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). The paper has been cited more than 600 times, making it the most cited paper in the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI.
Prof William Shiyuan Wang is a world-renowned linguist and an academician of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan. He founded Journal of Chinese Linguistics, the most influential academic journal in the field of linguistics. Prof Wang was elected founding president of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics in 1992, and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Shanghai Society of Anthropology in 2017. He was conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by the University of Chicago in 2018. He has also received honorary professorships from esteemed universities such as Peking University, Fudan University, and Nankai University. Over the years, Prof Wang has taken an interest in Macao and the academic development of UM. He has made multiple visits to Macao to share his academic insights, introduce cutting-edge research, and carry out academic exchanges and collaborations.
In addition, the ceremony for the conferment of higher degrees will also be held. This year, certificates will be presented to more than 1,500 graduates from the doctoral, master’s, and postgraduate certificate/diploma programmes across UM’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Collaborative Innovation, and Institute of Microelectronics.
To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: