Arrangement of the Walk for a Million charity walk this Sunday (10 December)
UM members,
公益金百萬行之安排詳情如下,敬請各參加者依時出席。請得獎者 / 隊伍提前15分鐘到逹集合地點登記。得獎名單請閱電子公告欄 (連結)。
For those who have registered for the Walk for a Million, kindly refer to the arrangement as below. For winners and units, kindly arrive at the assembly point 15 minutes earlier for registration. Please refer to bulletin for the awardee list (link).
詳情 Details:
Friendly reminder: You are advised to bring your own water and umbrella.
如有垂詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處張小姐(電話:8822 8090; 電郵。
For enquiries, please contact Ms Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section, Communications Office, at 8090 or
傳訊部 謹啟
Best regards,
Communications Office