News Express: UM English Debating Team achieves great results in Northeast Asian Debating Championship




A group photo



作為中國、日本、韓國等東北亞國家的年度重要國際辯論賽事,東北亞辯論錦標賽聚集了約200名優秀辯手合共80餘支隊伍。通過6輪初賽,僅有24支隊伍出線並取得公開組淘汰賽資格。澳大英語辯論隊共派出三隊伍參賽,分別是由社會科學學院四年級、滿珍紀念書院的唐卓文和社會科學學院二年級、霍英東珍禧書院的張楷組成的UM A隊;由人文學院二年級、馬萬祺羅柏心書院的李宛軒和工商管理學院二年級、鄭裕彤書院的崔嘉惠組成的UM B隊;由工商管理學院三年級、鄭裕彤書院的朱帥榕和社會科學學院三年級、滿珍紀念書院的孫林豐組成的UM C隊。

其中UM A隊的唐卓文和張楷在初賽中擊敗北京大學、香港大學、中國人民大學及中山大學,以12分(滿分18分)第九名的名次晉級。十六強賽中再淘汰日本筑波大學以及香港中文大學晉級。在半決賽中力克北京外國語大學以及韓國首爾大學成功打入總決賽,獲得中國高校在此國際辯論賽事的最佳成績,唐卓文則取得公開組第六最佳辯手的榮譽。



UM English Debating Team achieves great results in Northeast Asian Debating Championship

The English Debating Team of the University of Macau (UM) participated in the Northeast Asian Debating Championship (NEADC). The event also attracted the participation of more than 80 teams formed by nearly 200 debaters from different higher education institutions. The UM English Debating Team entered the competition with three teams: UM A team formed by Tang Cheok Man and Zhang Kai; UM B team formed by Lei Un Hin and Kae Wai, Chui Togashi; and UM C team formed by Zhu Shuairong and Michael Sun. Among them, Tang and Zhang of UM A team defeated Peking University, the University of Hong Kong, Renmin University of China, and Sun Yat-Sen University in the preliminary rounds. They then eliminated the University of Tsukuba and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the round of 16, and triumphed over Beijing Foreign Studies University and Seoul National University in the semi-finals. Their outstanding performance led them to the grand final, marking the best results ever achieved by a university from China in this international debating tournament. Tang was also awarded the Sixth Best Speaker in the open division.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: