【Sports Activity】: “National Gold Medalists at UM” Sharing Session was held successfully

【體 . 活動】: 國家金牌運動員訪澳系列活動​​ - 澳大分享會圓滿舉行


國家金牌運動員訪澳系列活動​​ – 澳大分享會於上週六 (12月9日) 在主場館盛大舉行,場面熱鬧。出席的澳區政協委員、金牌運動員與學生們分享了自身經歷及心路歷程,勉勵學生們迎難而上,走出不同的人生路。

出席​​分享政協 : 蔡明威、馮家超


“National Gold Medalists at UM” Sharing Session was held successfully at Sports Pavilion last Saturday (9 December). Members of the Macao CPPCC and gold medal athletes who attended shared their own experiences and mental journeys with the students, encouraged them to face difficulties and walk a different path in life.

Athlete:Li Xiaopeng, Zou Kai, Feng Zhe, Wu Minxia, ​​Lin Yue, Chen Aisen, Yang Wei, Huang Xu, Xing Aowei​
CPPCC: Cai Mingwei, Feng Jiachao​


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