Activity Snapshot: Walk for a Million 2023


Dear UM members

公益金百萬行已圓滿結束,澳大師生、職員及校友們結伴同行參與百萬行,共襄善舉,現場亦進行了澳大人的百萬行獎項頒發, 感謝大家的支持及參與。希望大家繼續支持和關懷社區之慈善活動。
The Walk for a Million was successfully held. Thank you for the great support from staff, students and alumni to this charity event under such good weather, the award ceremony for the UM Team Walk for a Million was also being held on-site. We look forward to your continuous support on such meaningful charity events. Thank you for your participation.

傳訊部 謹啟
Best regards,
Communications Office