Murder Mystery Night: Patriotic Theme Design


On 22nd November and 24th November 2023, resident assistant of Mandarin House, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organised two sessions of patriotic theme murder mystery games, the storyline was based on the Second Sino-Japanese War. While exercising their mind and exploring and decrypting, the participants immersed themselves in the patriotic feelings of different characters.

Participants were very involved in the game, reading the script carefully and savoring the emotions of the characters. They immersed into the plot, matched the character’s identity, and told different stories. When the mystery was solved, students were still not satisfied, they discussed missing details and complete character storylines. This activity not only deepened participants’ patriotism feeling for the motherland, but also promoted communication and cooperation among participants.

Text: Sophia Wong

2023年11月22日和11月24日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Mandarin House書院助理舉辦了兩場愛國主題的劇本殺活動,故事情節以中國抗日戰爭作背景。參與者在鍛煉頭腦、探索解密的同時,沉浸在不同角色的愛國情懷中。

