News Express: Representative of UNESCO Beijing Office visits UM



Yonghua Song (right) and Shahbaz Khan



聯合國教科文組織駐華代表處代表夏澤翰(Shahbaz Khan)今(12)日率代表團訪問澳門大學,獲澳大校長宋永華熱情接待並進行座談交流。夏澤翰亦以“聯合國教科文組織在可持續發展中的作用”為題在澳大進行演講。



其後,夏澤翰以“聯合國教科文組織在可持續發展中的作用” 為題在澳大發表演講。他指出,根據各個國家的發展需求和能力,聯合國可持續發展合作框架為聯合國系統提供了明確的戰略方向,設立了三個關鍵領域,即以人為本、保護地球和夥伴關係。為實現可持續發展,聯合國教科文組織動員所有合作夥伴,積極推動可持續發展議程,並在這一進程中發揮主導作用。


Representative of UNESCO Beijing Office visits UM

Shahbaz Khan, representative of the UNESCO Beijing Office, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau (UM) today (12 December). The delegation was received by UM Rector Yonghua Song, and a meeting was held between the two parties. During the meeting, Song introduced to the delegation UM’s history, latest developments, academic layout, and research development, as well as the four elements that make UM a unique university, namely its location in a special administrative region, its special mission, its special status, and its unique model of education. Khan spoke highly of UM’s achievements in talent cultivation and research innovation and looks forward to working with UM to promote engineering education and research development. The delegation also visited the UM Gallery to learn about UM’s developments.

In addition, Khan gave a talk at the university on UNESCO’s role in sustainable development. He pointed out that the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, based on the development needs and capacities of individual countries, provides a clear strategic direction for the UN system. To achieve sustainable development, UNESCO collaborates with all its partners, actively promotes the Agenda for Sustainable Development, and plays a leading role in the process.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: