News Express: SKL-QRCM’s Academic Committee holds meeting at UM, acknowledging laboratory’s achievements

新聞快訊:中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室學術委員會會議澳大舉行 成果獲高度評價


The Academic Committee of SKL-QRCM holds its meeting at UM





中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳大)主任陳新特聘教授代表兩校國家重點實驗室進行了2023年建設進展的匯報。他表示,2023年國家重點實驗室持續以中藥科技創新和澳門中藥産業發展需求為導向,在中藥質量評價的新技術和新方法、新發病機制與中藥新靶點、中藥新型遞送系統、中藥安全性評價、創新藥物研發與轉化研究等方面均取得了多項重要進展。國家重點實驗室發表SCI期刊論文766篇,獲授權專利21項。依託國家重點實驗室建設的“澳門中藥研發中心”順利通過第一階段建設評估,澳大澳門中藥檢測中心亦通過中國合格評定國家認可委員會(CNAS)的現場評審並獲認證。同時,國家重點實驗室舉辦多場國際學術會議,SCI期刊Chinese Medicine的影響力亦逐年提升,積極推動國際交流與合作。




SKL-QRCM’s Academic Committee holds meeting at UM, acknowledging laboratory’s achievements

The Second Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) held its eighth meeting at the University of Macau (UM). The meeting, held in a hybrid format, was attended by Ip Kuai Lam, member of the Administrative Committee of the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macao; Lee Hun Wei, president of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST); Ge Wei, vice rector of UM; Chen Kaixian and Ding Jian, directors of the Academic Committee; as well as other committee members and laboratory members.

During the meeting, Ip, Lee, and Ge delivered welcoming speeches, followed by speeches by Chen and Ding. Chen Xin, Distinguished Professor at UM and director of SKL-QRCM (UM), presented to the committee the progress of SKL-QRCM in 2023 on behalf of both SKL-QRCM (UM) and SKL-QRCM (MUST). According to Chen, SKL-QRCM, by focusing on technological innovation and the development needs of the Chinese medicine industry in Macao, made significant achievements in various areas in 2023, including Chinese medicine quality assessment, identification of new pathogenesis and targets, international collaborations, publications, and patents. In addition, with the support of SKL-QRCM, the first phase of assessment for the construction of Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine was successfully completed, and Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine obtained accreditation from China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment. The Academic Committee acknowledged the achievements SKL-QRCM made in 2023, particularly its progress in technological collaborations between UM and MUST. Moreover, members of the committee provided valuable suggestions for the future development of SKL-QRCM.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: