News Express: UM holds the fourth Summer Programme Fair



UM holds a summer programme fair



澳門大學學生事務部舉行第四屆暑期交流展, 13間來自世界各地的院校到澳大介紹今年的暑期交流課程,吸引不少學生到場了解暑期交流資訊。有學生表示,今年新增了一些交流項目,選擇眾多,希望有機會出外交流,體驗當地文化及學習獨立處事。




UM holds the fourth Summer Programme Fair

The Student Affairs Office of the University of Macau (UM) held the fourth Summer Programme Fair, featuring participation from 13 universities worldwide. These universities provided UM students with the latest information about their summer exchange programmes. During his speech, UM Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng expressed that the university has been offering summer exchange programmes since 2017 and has established partnerships with educational institutions in more than 20 countries and regions, providing more than 80 exchange programmes for its students.

Participating universities in the fair included Lady Margaret Hall and Oriel College of the University of Oxford as well as the University of Warwick from the UK; the University of Queensland from Australia; the University of British Columbia from Canada; IÉSEG School of Management from France; ISCTE Business School of the University Institute of Lisbon from Portugal; the National University of Singapore; J.F. Oberlin University from Japan; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the University of International Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong from China.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: