MCM College: “Experience Nature‧Savour Life” Life Education Excursion


On 20th January, 2024, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau and senior college fellow, Prof. Nai-Hua Liu (FED) organised a life education excursion Hac Sá Long Chao Kok Coastal Trail, which features ample rock formations and coastal ecological views along the way. The participants were given 1.5 hour to explore the trail, feel the pulse of the sea and appreciate the rocky coastal terrain. When the group arrived the pavilion, Prof. Liu invited everyone to open their senses, hear the wave, feel the wind and watch the sunlight on sparkling sea. At the end of the excursion, the participants gathered at the Hac Sá Park and shared their experiences of the “Nature Awareness” activity and their reflections on life. Please find below Vienne Chen’s sharing:

The blue sky is lined with white clouds, the rocks are accompanied by the waves, and the sun reflects the ocean; the harmonious beauty of nature comes from mutual contrast and reflection!

The rebirth of a butterfly from its cocoon originates from the struggling caterpillar.

In the vast ocean, the egret standing there is still at ease even though it is a drop in the ocean.






2024年1月20日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院非駐院資深導師劉乃華教授(教育學院)在黑沙龍爪角海岸徑舉辦生命教育之旅,沿途奇岩異石偏佈,海岸生態豐富。參與者有 1.5 小時的時間探索海岸徑,感受大海的脈動並欣賞岩石海岸地形。 當參與者到達亭子時,劉教授邀請大家打開感官,聆聽海浪的聲音,感受微風的吹拂,觀賞陽光灑在波光粼粼的海面上。行程結束後,大家齊聚黑沙公園,分享「體驗自然」活動的感想,以及對人生的感悟。以下是陳煒欣同學的分享:

藍天襯著白雲, 岩石伴著海浪, 陽光映著海洋;


