Entrepreneur Mindset Seminar Series: Building AI and Educational Technology in Macao


On 29th January, 2024, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held an entrepreneurial mindset seminar titled “Building AI and Educational Technology in Macao”.  This seminar was hosted by Mr. Otto Leong, CEO of 369 Co-op Town Limited., and Mr. Lai Man Fai, founder of Merit Smart Technology Co. Ltd. was invited to share his entrepreneurial experiences in providing STEAM solutions for schools in Macao with students.

Lai, a former middle school history teacher, saw potential development opportunities of AI education, so he gave up a stable job and founded a technology company. During the seminar, he introduced the background of his company, and explained the importance of artificial intelligence education to the future development of primary and secondary school students and its application in real life. In addition, he shared the challenges and difficulties encountered during his entrepreneurial journey, and how to overcome these difficulties. Lai emphasized that entrepreneurship is a continuous problem-solving process that extremely challenges an individual’s critical thinking, problem-solving and action-taking abilities. He encouraged everyone to sharpen their soft skills while in college to be better prepared for future entrepreneurship.

2024年1月29日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院舉辦「澳門AI及科技教育建設者」創業思維講座。 此講座由369 合伙小鎮有限公司的營運總監楊洪偉先生主持,並邀請進智科技有限公司創辦人賴文輝先生與院生分享他為澳門學校提供STEAM 教育解決方案的創業經驗。

賴文輝曾是一位中學歷史老師,他看到了人工智能教育潛在的發展機會,於是毅然放棄了一份穩定的工作,創辦了一家科技公司。在講座中,他介紹了公司的背景,闡述了人工智能教育對中小學生未來發展的重要性,以及其在現實生活中的應用。 此外,他分享了創業路上遇到的挑戰和困難,以及如何克服這些困難。賴文輝強調創業是一個持續解決問題的過程,極大挑戰個人批判性思考、解決問題和行動的能力。 他鼓勵大家在大學期間提升自己的軟技能,為未來的創業做更好的準備。