Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 02/02/2024

  Friday, February 02, 2024  

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 23:59 Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes 2024/2025 by Direct Admission (Application Period: 30/01 – 05/04/2024) (cont)2024/2025學年學士學位課程 – 直接入學(報名日期:30/01 – 05/04/2024) Online Application System available on the Registry website (
10:00 – 11:30 Campus Visit by Guizhou Province Bijie Liangcai School貴州省畢節梁才學校參觀澳大 UM Campus
10:00 – 19:00 Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: With The Sunshine Across The Sea From French Impressionism to Original Landscape Paintings of Macao慶祝中華人民共和國成立75週年暨澳門特別行政區成立25週年— 一半是陽光, 一半是海水 從法國印象派到澳門風景畫原作展 1F/2F, Museum of Art, University of Macau, Wu Yee Sun Library (E2)
10:30 – 12:00 FBA Seminar Series: “Super Factory Comes to Town: Identifying the Agglomeration Spillovers from Foxconn Factory in Henan” by Prof. Hong MA工商管理學院研討會系列“Super Factory Comes to Town: Identifying the Agglomeration Spillovers from Foxconn Factory in Henan”, 馬弘教授 E22-G015
15:00 – 16:00 IAPME Seminar: Particle View in Crystals應用物理及材料工程研究院講座:晶體中的粒子觀 N23-4018
16:30 – 18:00 Scenery Under the Visions of West and East——Analysis of the Curatorial Idea and Theme of the Exhibition “With the Sunshine, Across the Sea – From French Impressionism to Macao Landscape Paintings”東西遙望的風景 ——解析《一半是陽光,一半是海水——從法國印象派到澳門風景畫原作展》的策展理念和主旨 E2-G012
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動
News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM becomes member of World Digital Education Alliance, Rector Yonghua Song attends several events in Shanghai澳大加入世界數字教育聯盟 校長宋永華赴滬出席多項活動 CO
【IAS & FLL】 International Workshop on “The Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: China-EU Dialogues” (21-22 February 2024; E1-Auditorium+Zoom)【高研院及法學院】 國際學術研討會——人工智能的治理:歐盟與中國的對話 (2024年2月21-22日; E1-演講廳+Zoom) IAS
【IAS】IAS x Interdisciplinary Academic Salon – 1【IAS】高研院跨學科學術沙龍-第一期 IAS
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞
Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 2024澳門同善堂獎學金 –2024/2025學年哲學博士學位課程及澳門同善堂獎學金現正接受報名 CMS
[For Staff Only] Activities Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (1st Series of February 2024)[僅供職員] 行政公職局:活動宣傳 (2024年2月份第1期) ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] 【Enrollment deadline is Monday, 5 February】UM Recreational Club Interest Class: “Coffee Appreciation Workshop”[僅供職員] 【下週一 2月5日截止報名】澳大康樂會興趣班:「咖啡評鑑工作坊」 ADMO-HRS
Control and handling of stray animals on Campus校園流浪動物的防治及處理 CMDO-SFS
Campus Loop Shuttle Service Schedule during Recess (Starting from 5 February 2024 to 17 February 2024)環校穿梭巴士休課期間服務時間 (2024年2月5日至2024年2月17日) CMDO-SFS
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
【Further Study Information】Online Information Session of HKU Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence【升學資訊】香港大學人工智能理科碩士課程線上宣講會 SAO-SCS
Vault│FIRSTHAND (Online Career Library) of Career Development Centre provides you with techniques to handle interview questions生涯發展中心的 Vault│FIRSTHAND (網上就業資料庫) 提供面試應對技巧 SAO-SCS
External Activity: USJ: 3rd Macao-wide English Poetry Writing and Recital Contest校外活動: 聖若瑟大學: 第三屆全澳英語詩歌創作朗誦比賽 SAO
External Activity: Macao Borderless Youth Association: Photography and Writing Compeition for Higher Education Students in Macau (Dealine: 28 Mar)校外活動: 澳門無疆界青年協會:「專文盃-全澳大專院校學生校園生活相片徵文比賽」(截止日期: 3月28日) SAO
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 01/02/2024 CO
News Express: UM becomes member of World Digital Education Alliance, Rector Yonghua Song attends several events in Shanghai新聞快訊:澳大加入世界數字教育聯盟 校長宋永華赴滬出席多項活動 CO-PRS
All active student notices 所有學生通告
“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or




First Released time首次發佈時間: 02/02/2024 09:00