“Mental Health Awareness” Community Service Project: “The Invisible Self” Short Film School Tour Screening – Macau Anglican College

心理健康推廣社區服務計劃:《白夜》微電影學校巡迴放映會 – 聖公會中學 (澳門)

Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau (UM) created a short film titled The Invisible Self, to draw public attention to mental health, and foster discussions. On 7th February 2024, MCM College resident fellow and film producer, Alice Hong and crew members headed to Macau Anglican College for a school tour screening, targeting 500 students from Form 1 to Form 6.

The Invisible Self is a film about self-worth, embracing both the positive and negative aspects of oneself, and establishing a connection with one’s inner self. The main roles and the behind-the-scenes staff are played by MCM College members. The script was co-written by local director, Steven U and second-year college student, Celina Wang (Department of Portuguese Studies).

In the post-screening session, the film’s producer, director, screen writer and UM psychological counsellor interacted with the audience and shared some issues about mental health, such as emotional awareness, stress symptoms and management, professional help seeking. Dr. Evlo Sou, Head of UM Student Counselling Section emphasized, “Self-worth does not equate to personal achievement”, which was thought-provoking for the students. The screening was well received by students and teachers.

“I’ve learnt from the film that whatever grade you achieve or whatever accomplishment you make, it does not make you a better or worse person. What makes up your own self-worth is your confidence, mindset and how you react to different people and situations.” – Alicia Lei (Form 4 student)

The film does a great job of showing a person overwhelmed by a lot of issues. It reflects our open self and our hidden self. I believe psychological counseling is very important because a counselor can help you express what is hidden inside your heart. It’s a release of stress.” – Valentino Wong (Form 6 Student)

“The film reminded us to keep raising mental health awareness issues and provide easy access to support mechanisms for those in need. I was very happy to note that the film resonates with our stance on supporting anyone with mental health related illnesses and the key message is that they are not alone as there is always someone to speak to.” – Andrea Munoyenda (Head of Secondary)


《白夜》是一部關於自我價值、擁抱自我光明面與陰暗面、與內在自我連結的電影。 此片的主要角色,幕後工作人員,大部分是由書院成員擔任,而劇本則由本地導演余志雲和大二院生王楚月(葡文系)聯合編寫。

在映後座談會中,該片監制、導演、編劇、演員和澳大心理輔導員與觀眾互動,分享了一些關於心理健康的議題,如情緒察覺、壓力症狀和處理以及尋求專業協助等。澳大學生輔導處處長蘇桂龍博士強調,「自我價值並不等於個人成就」, 引起了學生的深思。是次放映會受到了學校師生的一致好評。

「我從電影中學習到無論你取得什麼成績或取得什麼成就,它都不會讓你成為一個更好或更糟的人。 構成你自我價值的是你的自信、心態以及你對不同人和情境的反應。」李悠嘉 (高二學生)

「此影片很好地呈現了一個被很多問題壓垮的人。 它反映了我們開放的自我和隱藏的自我。 我認為心理輔導非常重要,因為心理輔導員可以幫助你表達你內心深處的想法。 這是壓力的一種釋放。」 – 王俊弼 (高三學生)

「這部電影提醒我們不斷提高心理健康意識,並為有需要的人提供便利的支援機制。 我很高興地留意到這部電影與我們的立場產生了共鳴 ─ 支持任何患有心理健康疾病的人,關鍵訊息是他們並不孤單,因為總是有人可以傾訴。」- Andrea Munoyenda (中學部主任)