CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize a training course on Medicine and Medical Care in Hong Kong and Macao for students from Nanchang University
為期一週的培訓班由一系列專題講座組成,教學内容豐富。學生們首先在香港大學及香港大學專業進修學院市區教學中心參加專家學者主講的專題講座“香港衛生醫療服務”、“感染控制與應對措施” 和“精准醫學的承諾及其對當今醫學教育的影響”。學生們之後來到澳門大學參加澳大資深教授主講的專題講座“帕金遜症與衰老的臨床研究與預防”和“免疫調節機制及腫瘤免疫治療”,並在最後一天進行小組學習成果匯報。通過本次培訓,學員們體驗到了港澳兩地的優質特色教學及城市魅力,紛紛表示得到很大的收穫。
CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize a training course on Medicine and Medical Care in Hong Kong and Macao for students from Nanchang University
From February 18th to 22th, the University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) offered the “Training course on Medicine and Medical Care in Hong Kong and Macao” for 48 students from Nanchang University.
The one-week training consisted of a series of special lectures. The students first arrived in Hong Kong, where they attended three workshops on “Health and Medical Services in Hong Kong”, “Infection Control and Response Measures” & “Precision Medicine and its Impact on Medical Education Today” at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and downtown Centre of the University of Hong Kong’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). Then they joined two workshops on “Clinical Research and Prevention of Parkinson’s Disease and Aging” & “Immune Regulation Mechanism and Tumor Immunotherapy” in UM. Through the training, the students experienced high-quality and characteristic teaching style in both Hong Kong and Macau.
Nanchang University (NCU) is a comprehensive university listed among the “the World First-class Disciplines” in the national “Double First-Class” Initiative of China, the only “211 Project” national key university in Jiangxi Province which is co-constructed by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Province, and the overall construction university of Jiangxi Province high-level universities construction project. The NCU merged with Jiangxi Medical College, Jiangxi University and Jiangxi Industrial University.
CCE will continue to promote cross-city academic exchanges between Hong Kong and Macao, conduct training courses for high-quality mainland universities, and strengthen educational cooperation between mainland universities and UM.