News Express: Closing ceremony for fifth leadership training course for civil servants held at UM



A group photo of the officiating guests and the participants of the fifth leadership training course for civil servants





宋永華和吳惠嫻分別向25位學員頒發結業證書。稅兵在典禮上表示,第五屆課程遵循著兩條邏輯主線:以問題為導向、以行動為導向。第五屆學員提交的六份小組報告,均是工作實踐中的痛點問題,例如:“如何‘快多一分鐘’,實現跨部門接警流程優化?”、“如何減少大型會展活動的垃圾,讓澳門成為‘綠色之都’? ”他認為培訓所學的技能是“術”,培訓所悟的觀念是“道”,二者不可偏廢。通過三個月的高強度培訓,學員們懂得在每一項細微的工作中都勇於擔當,明白公共行政的真諦是以人為本,意識到電子政務“絕不是把線下流程照搬到線上”,而是讓市民擁有獲得感。稅兵期望學員在畢業後將所悟的觀念帶到工作中,從“管理者”重塑為“服務者”,用實幹和擔當換取市民滿意的笑容,推動澳門公共行政改革。



Closing ceremony for fifth leadership training course for civil servants held at UM

The closing ceremony for the fifth leadership training course for civil servants was held at the Public Administration Training Centre of the University of Macau (UM). Yonghua Song, rector of UM, and Ng Wai Han, director of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, presented certificates of completion to 25 participants. Speaking at the event, Shui Bing, head of UM’s Public Administration Training Centre, expressed hope that the students will apply what they have learned to their work and contribute to the reform of public administration in Macao. U Ka Hou from the Municipal Affairs Bureau also delivered a speech on behalf of the participants of the training course. He said that the course enabled the participants to strengthen their service awareness and problem-solving skills and understand the importance of innovative thinking, adding that they will apply the knowledge acquired to contribute to the development of Macau society.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: