MCM College Let’s shoot Coloane


Last Sunday, the University of Macau MCM College and the UM Photography Society organized an unforgettable outdoor photography event in Coloane. This activity not only allowed students to showcase their personal photography talents but also enabled them to have a good time, make new friends, and explore the unique landscapes and scenery in every corner of Coloane Island. From stunning beaches to ancient streets, from majestic buildings to breathtaking natural scenery, every student had the opportunity to capture stunning moments and beautiful images.

During the event, time was allotted for group discussions and sharing, allowing students to learn from each other, exchange experiences, and share skills. Everyone actively participated and inspired one another, making this event a valuable opportunity for learning and growth. Whether new to photography or experienced photography enthusiasts, everyone felt the warmth and friendliness at this event.

Text: Ruolan MA

在上週日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院和澳大攝影學會舉辦了一場路環外拍活動。 這次活動不僅讓同學展現了個人攝影才華,也讓同學分享了美好的時光,結識了新朋友,探索了路環島上各個角落的獨特景觀和風景。 從迷人的海灘到古老的街道,從宏偉的建築到壯麗的自然景色,每個同學都有機會捕捉令人驚嘆的瞬間和美麗的圖像。

活動期間設立了小組討論和分享的時間,讓同學們可以互相學習、交流經驗和分享技巧。 大家積極參與,互相啟發,讓這次活動成為了一個真正的學習和成長的機會。 無論是新手還是經驗豐富的攝影愛好者,每個人都感受到了這個活動中的溫暖和友善。

文: 馬若嵐