News Express: UM, ULisboa jointly hold seminar to commemorate 31st anniversary of Macao Basic Law promulgation



唐曉晴(右)與Fernando Loureiro Bastos
Tong Io Cheng (right) and Fernando Loureiro Bastos





葡萄牙里斯本大學法學院教授、司法合作學會主席Fernando Loureiro Bastos致辭時表示,早前兩校在葡萄牙里斯本已成功合辦“澳門基本法頒佈30周年研討會”,兩校緊接在兩個月後再度舉辦第二場紀念基本法31周年的活動,對兩校來說別具象徵意義,特別是兩地具有數百年歷史和文化聯繫,法律體系也有一定程度的參照意義。

澳大憲法與基本法研究中心主任蔣朝陽期望各界對內能繼續深入鑽研“一國兩制”的理論與實踐,對外講好“一國兩制”和基本法的故事 。


是次出席嘉賓還有葡萄牙里斯本大學助理教授Ana Rita Gil。唐曉晴、蔣朝陽、澳大憲法與基本法研究中心副主任王禹和江華、研究員何慶文和賴冠儒,以及澳門科技大學助理教授王榮國發表了論文。



UM, ULisboa jointly hold seminar to commemorate 31st anniversary of Macao Basic Law promulgation

The Faculty of Law (FLL) of the University of Macau (UM) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) jointly held a seminar to commemorate the 31st anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR. Experts and scholars in the legal sector presented papers on legal developments in Macao and Portugal.

In his speech, Tong Io Cheng, dean of FLL, said that UM is committed to nurturing bilingual legal professionals and talent for the governance of Macao, as well as developing Macao into a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. He expressed that the two universities will strengthen their exchanges and organise more similar academic exchange activities. Speaking at the event, Fernando Loureiro Bastos, professor and president of the Institute of Legal Cooperation of ULisboa’s Faculty of Law, said that with the centuries-old historical and cultural relationships between Macao and Portugal, as well as the comparability between their legal systems, the event was significant for both universities. During the seminar, experts and scholars gave presentations on various legal topics. Participants agreed that the promulgation of the Basic Law has played a crucial role in ensuring the prosperity and stability of the Macao SAR. They also believed that cooperation between the two universities will have a positive effect on the promotion of the relationship between Macao and Portugal and the establishment of a model for regional cooperation.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: