“Encounter with Happiness” Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop


Guia House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held a pastel nagomi art workshop on 6 March 2024, with positive psychology “Happiness” as its theme. Special guest for this event is Ms. Genifer Chung, a certified associate instructor of Japan Pastel Hope Art Association (JPHAA).  Pastel nagomi art is a unique painting method originating from Japan in which participants uses their fingers to blend pastels, allowing them to experience moments of harmony, tranquility and joy. House Mistress, Ms. Alice Hong shared the five core elements of happiness, including positive emotions, engagement, relations, meaning and accomplishment. She pointed out that everyone deserves to be happy, so she encouraged participants to use these elements to increase happiness in life.

澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Guia House於2024年3月6日舉辦以正向心理學「幸福」為主題的和諧粉彩工作坊。活動的特別嘉賓為日本粉彩希望藝術協會(JPHAA)準指導師鍾琯然女士。 和諧粉彩是一種源自日本的獨特繪畫方法,參與者使用手指調和粉彩,令心靈體驗到片刻的和諧、寧静和喜悦。Guia House舍長洪盈惠分享幸福的五個核心元素,包括正向情緒、全程投入、正向關係、意義和成就感。 她指出每個人都值得擁有快樂,並鼓勵參與者利用這些元素來提高生活的幸福感。