Students showcased remarkable talents on HC Day

學生在HC Day上展現了非凡的才華

As the Honours College (HC) Admission Season is approaching, the HC Day was successfully held at E31-Theatre on Sunday, March 10, 2024.  The event illuminated the stage with diversified performances including singing, dancing, magic shows and interacting games, delivered by students from various disciplines. This 2-hour event attracted approximately 150 participants, a majority of whom were freshmen who wanted to know more and join the Honours College, and current Honours College students.

The HC Day, co-organized by the Honours College (HC) and Honours College Student Association (HCSA), aimed to provide a platform for students to showcase their diverse talents, at the same time, connect HC students with non-HC students together to create such a show which captivated the audience with their extraordinary performances.


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Honours College

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