The latest issue of e-version My UM (Mar issue) is available!


Dear colleagues and students,

The latest issue of e-version My UM (Mar issue) is available!

At UM, one can easily find students, teachers and staff who are always ready to lend a helping hand and provide valuable guidance. In this issue of My UM, we delve into the stories of several students who have encountered these extraordinary individuals at the university. These students share the inspiration they have gained from these remarkable UM members. (Click here for the article).

In People’s Stories, we interviewed Felipe Barbosa, a Cape Verdean student in the Department of Communication. In his efforts to contribute to the preservation of his culture, Felipe shares music and creates a series of ‘I’m Cape Verdean’ short videos to connect with Cape Verdeans living in different time zones and regions.  (Click here for the article).


Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
Communications Office 




在「人物故事」專欄,我們專訪了來自佛得角、傳播系學生Felipe Barbosa,他目前通過分享音樂、創作「I’m Capeverdean」系列短視頻,連繫不同時區、不同地域的佛得角人,為保育自己珍視的文化出一份力量(按此瀏覽文章)。

