CKPC Study Tour to Qi’ao Island



在紅樹林保護區,志願講解員介紹了紅樹林的生存環境、分佈以及分類(如真紅樹和半紅樹),以及紅樹林防風固堤、淨化海水、維護生態平衡等重要作用。還有各種不同的紅樹植物,如有劇毒的海芒果,能泌鹽的桐花樹,毒性可致失明的海漆樹等。 此外,紅樹林中棲息著豐富多樣的海洋生物,包括招潮蟹、相手蟹、小靈貓、黑鳶、八哥、小白鷺等。







“我不僅領略了珠海的自然風光和人文底蘊,更深化了對生態保育和紅色教育的理解和感悟。 這次體驗將激勵我更加珍惜環境資源,傳承革命精神,為實現個人成長和社會發展貢獻自己的力量。”



CKPC’s study tour to Zhuhai Qi’ao Island was successfully completed on March 15.  Students visited the mangrove reserve, the Anti-British Anti-opium Memorial Square and the former residence of Su Zhaozheng.

In the mangrove reserve, volunteer guide introduced the living environment, distribution and classification of mangroves (such as true mangroves and semi-mangroves), as well as the important roles of mangroves in functioning as windbreaks and dikes, purifying seawater, and maintaining ecological balance. There are also various mangrove plants, such as the highly poisonous sea mango, the tung tree that secretes salt, and the sea sumac that is so toxic that it can cause blindness. In addition, the mangroves are home to a rich variety of marine life.

In the exhibition hall of Su Zhaozheng’s former residence, students learned about his life story and career footprint. Su participated in the leadership of the Hong Kong seamen’s strike and the Canton provincial and Hong Kong general strikes that shocked China and the world. He was a pioneer of the Chinese labor movement.

Students also experienced the historical evolution and development of Qi’ao Island as they strolled along Baishi Street in Qi’ao Village and visited the Qi’ao Village History Museum, Qi’ao Ancestral Temple, and Qi’ao Anti-British Anti-opium Victory Memorial Square.