Student Leadership Training Programme: “Integrity and Honesty” (1) 10 April 14:20 / (2) 17 April 9:20 [1SP, 20 CS Points]

學生領袖培訓計劃:「廉潔璀璨:誠信之光」, 4月10日14:20 / 4月 17日9:20, [1粒至叻星及20 個CS 積分]


廉政體驗活動 >> 簡介


第一場 : 10/04/2024, 14:20-18:20

第二場 : 17/04/2024, 9:20-13:20

地點: 澳門廉政公署氹仔區辦事處

*請於 E32法學院巴士站集合,屆時將有專車接送。

獎品 :

1.參加同學可獲1粒至叻星和20 (公民責任心) CS points


報名日期: 由即日起至4月5日

報名方式: 掃海報中二維碼,成功登記者將會收到郵件通知


This event aims to enhance students’ values of integrity and honesty through a visit to the Integrity Education Base in Taipa. The activity will be conducted in an experiential manner and will include lectures, guided tours, and hands-on experiences. Participants will have the opportunity to cultivate correct moral concepts and a sense of social responsibility in an enjoyable way. Join us now and be a part of it!

Introduction of the activity >> Link


Session 1: Date: 4th October 2024, Time: 14:20-18:20

Session 2: Date: 17th April 2024, Time: 9:20-13:20

Venue: Branch Office of CCAC at Taipa

*Please gather at the E32 Faculty of Law Bus Stop. There will be dedicated transportation provided.



  1. Participants will be awarded 1 Star and 20 (Responsible citizenship) CS points.
  2. Participants can post their experience and review on social media to win a secret prize.


Enrollment date: From now until April 5

Registration: Scan the QR code in the poster, successful registrants will be notified by email.


Remark  備註: 

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 1 Smart Point and  20 (Responsible citizenship)  Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*同學出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得1粒至叻星及20 (公民責任心)(即CS) 分數。